Heads Up! All Continuing Education courses starting between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026, will open for registration on July 1, 2025. These courses will be available to view on the website starting March 21, 2025.
The special grade of Credit by Examination (CE) is awarded when a student has applied for and successfully completed the requirements for credit by examination. Qualified curriculum students with relevant prior training or experience may earn academic credit for certain courses by examination.
A student interested in receiving such credit should contact the appropriate program director for information on the procedures for application. To receive credit by passing an examination, the student must be enrolled in a curriculum program and be registered for the course for which application is made. The application must be approved within the first seven calendar days of the semester, and the examination must be completed within the first 14 calendar days of the semester.
To receive credit by examination, the student must score at least 85 percent on the examination. In certain courses, the required passing score may be higher. The examination may be taken only once, and a student failing the examination must complete the course for credit. No more than 10 percent of the total credit hours required by the student’s plan of study may be earned by examination unless the Chief Academic Officer gives special approval to exceed this limit.
A student should not attempt the credit by examination if they are a:
Student graduating with a CE as part of the 60 University Transfer program hours because it is not transferable by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA).
Veteran enrolled in a course in which he/she is not in attendance. Those hours are not eligible for veteran benefits, thereby reducing or eliminating benefits.
Career and College Promise (CCP) student since credit by examination is not allowed for high school students.
Read more about credit by examination and and the CE grade designation in the Grading System Policy and Procedure.
Some Health Information Technology (HIT) and Information Technologies (IT) courses offer credit by examination. For more information, view each program's credit by examination page.