

Procedure Name

Continuing Education Accountability and Integrity Plan


Kara Battle
Vice President/Chief Academic Officer


Academics and Student Engagement

Effective Date

August 18, 2020; June 20, 2023 (revision)

Next Review Date





Accountability within the North Carolina Community College (NCCCS) System Workforce Continuing Education areas encompasses a broad range of concepts including governance, institutional values, programs, industry sectors, and community partners. The State Board of Community Colleges Code (SBCCC) mandates that Â鶹ӰÊÓnical Community College (Â鶹ӰÊÓ) review its programs to ensure that provided training is relevant to the workforce, responsive to training needs, and fiscally responsible. External organizations, including the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and grant and state credentialing agencies, also require the College to document its programs and processes.

The purpose of developing a Workforce Continuing Education Accountability Framework is two-fold: to define a system of checks and balances that prevents and detects errors or irregularities when reporting hours for FTE purposes; and to establish a framework for defining program quality and improvement. Â鶹ӰÊÓ’s plan is monitored by an internal team and reviewed for approval every three (3) years by the College’s Board of Trustees. The accountability and integrity planning framework establish goals and objectives in three (3) areas:

  1. Governance Priorities
  2. Academic Integrity and Program Accountability
  3. Market Forces

Governance Priorities

Goal #1: Demonstrate accountability and credibility of operational functions.

The College is responsible for ensuring that its Continuing Education operations are effective, utilize resources efficiently, and satisfy NCCCS requirements.

  • Objective: Use standard business intelligence reports to manage program integrity and encourage data-informed decision making.

    The College uses Informer and reports including COCO Course Copy, XCLS CE Class Report, XCES Statistical Report for course creation, enrollment, and cancellations; and overall program management. College and Career Readiness (CCR) programs utilize progress tables and test score reports within Colleague and Informer for ongoing program management. On an annual basis, the System Office sends Desktop Monitoring Reports on CCR program performance for the past three (3) years. These reports help programs understand data trends. Council, committee, and association leadership may request copies of pertinent reports from  as needed for discussion and decision making.

Goal #2: Demonstrate operational accountability for data reported for state budget.

The College is responsible for adhering to North Carolina General Statutes and State Board of Community College Code relevant to hours reported for state budget resources.

  • Objective: Ensure there are no material findings identified in the biennial review of records.

    The Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Compliance department conducts an internal compliance review of course files each term. The compliance review results are communicated to the Vice President, Vice President/Chief Academic Officer and the appropriate division head, including any compliance issues/risks noted and plans for targeted training to ensure continuous improvement. CCR program directors and the Assistant Registrar conduct internal audits to ensure accurate reporting of course membership hours. The results of these reviews are communicated to the CCR dean, including any compliance issues/risks noted.  

  • Objective: Conduct class visitations each term, and document visitations in the Class Visitation Report.

    Unannounced visits will be conducted to verify that students are properly registered and enrolled and that the instructional activity is taking place in accordance with the approved course outline. Course sections offered with waiver eligibility, through online learning technologies, at non-College facilities, or offered with irregular or non-traditional schedules will be visited. Course sections of twelve (12) contact hours or less, self-supporting courses, and community service courses are excluded from this class visitation plan. View guidelines for class visitations.

    • On-Campus Class Visits – On-campus classes are class sections held at official campus locations. Deans and program directors conduct unannounced visits to at least twenty-five (25) percent of all noncredit on-campus classes each term. The deans and directors who conduct these visits are the supervisors of the instructors assigned to teach these on-campus classes. A designee may conduct the visits with prior written approval from the Vice President, Academics and Guided Career Pathways/Chief Academic Officer.
    • Off-Campus and Online Learning Class Visits – Off-campus classes are course sections held at locations that are not official campus locations (e.g., courses provided at community centers, churches, or other facilities not owned or operated by the College). Online learning classes are class sections delivered via the internet. Deans and program directors conduct unannounced visits to at least fifty (50) percent of all noncredit off-campus and online learning classes each term. The Vice President, Chief Academic Officer or a designee appointed by the President, visits a randomly selected sample of ten (10) percent of off-campus class sections defined above. These visits occur with no prior notification to the instructor or the instructor’s supervisor.
  • Objective: Respond effectively to non-compliance issues, both material and non-material, identified in the NCCCS .

    Corrective action taken will include process review, documentation correction, and specific employee training.

Goal #3: Demonstrate accountability to performance benchmarks aligned with state and federal agencies.

The College is responsible for meeting performance benchmarks as defined by state or federal agencies.

  • Objective: Pass all external credentialing agency audits and program assessments.

    Program directors and program specialists conduct internal audits according to credentialing requirements where applicable (e.g., North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners, North Carolina Office of the State Fire Marshal (NCOSFM), North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS), Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation (NCDHSR), and North Carolina Board of Nursing).
  • Objective: Meet or exceed College and Career Readiness (CCR) and English as a Second Language (ESL) state and federal performance measures.

    CCR program directors have developed processes for data collection and evaluation to improve program outcomes utilizing Literacy Education Information System (LEIS) and Power BI reports as helpful data monitoring tools.

Academic Integrity and Program Accountability

Goal #4: Students will meet specific course criteria to attain relevant licenses and credentials and demonstrate course completion requirements.

The College is responsible for aligning and demonstrating student learning outcomes with actual student learning culminating in demonstration of competency and/or attainment of licensure or credentials.

  • Objective: Students will successfully meet student learning outcomes described in course syllabi. Student learning outcome assessment results will be stored in the College’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) database.
    • Registration processes include determination of enrollment into courses requiring specific prerequisites or skill levels.
    • College personnel and a variety of student services and resources are available to support students as they matriculate through courses and programs.
    • All continuing education programs utilize course outlines with relevant learning objectives. Course outlines are developed and updated by program directors and submitted for review and approval by program deans and the Vice President/Chief Academic Officer. Course outlines are maintained electronically by the office of the Vice President/Chief Academic Officer.
    • Instructors are selected according to course and program requirements/standards and based upon credentials, experience, and expertise.
    • Student performance and progress is monitored by instructors and program directors and evaluated for planning and improvement.
    • Course evaluation and course withdrawal data is used to assess student satisfaction and make revisions as appropriate.
    • Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Planning (REAP) assists in developing rubrics, assessments, and reports as needed.
  • Objective: Students will successfully attain industry licensure and credentials.

    State performance data and College-specific metrics are used to assess student performance, goal completion, and employment success.

Goal #5: Instructional programs will demonstrate relevancy, rigor, viability, and student success.

The College is responsible for providing quality training that is relevant to student learning and workforce needs.

  • Objective: Utilize the Program Assessment process to demonstrate program relevancy.

    Â鶹ӰÊÓ utilizes a biannual Program Assessment process to conduct reviews of academic programs of study to ensure they meet the needs of students and the community. Results from this process are used to ensure that our academic programs are relevant, academically rigorous, match our communities’ economic needs, and foster equitable student success. If the Program Assessment process raises concerns, academic programs may be asked to complete a full Academic Program Review ahead of schedule (Academic Program Reviews are completed at least once every five years to maintain compliance with state requirements).

Goal #6: Faculty qualifications will support program relevancy and student success.

The College is responsible for ensuring that faculty are appropriately qualified (experience, credentials, licensure, etc.) to deliver relevant, quality training.

  • Objective: Utilize the Employee Credentialing procedure to ensure that faculty hold appropriate qualifications for credential programs.

    Instructors are selected based on a combination of education, professional experience, and appropriate credentials as required by program and teaching standards. Instructor qualification and credential documentation is maintained by Human Resources and verified by program directors and division leadership to ensure instructors meet standards and maintain current credentials and licensure. Basic Skills faculty will hold and maintain recognized credentials.

Market Forces

Goal #7: Demonstrate development or enhancement of connections with workforce and economic development entities to leverage resources and strengths.

The College is responsible for ensuring that education and workforce partners collaborate to identify strategic solutions for current and future workforce needs.

  • Objective: Collaborate with workforce partners on grant projects.
    • The College will seek input from internal and external stakeholders, i.e., Center for Workforce Engagement, meta major programming, NC Works Center, workforce boards, etc., to better understand local workforce needs, trends, etc.
    • Finance and Administrative Services and the Â鶹ӰÊÓ Foundation maintain grant documentation.
    • The Executive Director, Center for Workforce Engagement coordinates partnerships with external community agencies.
  • Objective: Collaborate with workforce boards and economic development groups to plan and develop training programs that support industry growth and industry sectors identified in labor market data.

    The President serves and/or designates representatives to serve on regional workforce development boards.

Goal #8: Demonstrate proactive and reactive response to industry training needs.

The College is responsible for developing workforce training programs based on industry standards and documented business needs.

  • Objective: Develop training programs in response to specific businesses or industry sector needs.
    • Data provided by REAP, Center for Workforce Engagement, and other stakeholders is used to determine regionally appropriate programming.
    • The Program Assessment process includes analyses of local employment trends and labor market data.
    • Program advisory committees provide employment/hiring projections, input on labor market demand and program enhancement data for credential-bearing programs. Committee membership, meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes are maintained at the program level.

Goal #9: Demonstrate development of a quality state workforce that is prepared to succeed.

The College is responsible for developing workforce employability programs to support the development of a talent pool.

  • Objective: Develop training programs that positively impact workforce employability.
    • Pathway goals are aligned with Career Services resources. Programs partner with external agencies to increase student internships and on-the-job training opportunities.
    • The Workforce Development program (HRD) collaborates with Career Services to provide career preparation resources and support.
    • College and Career Readiness (CCR) programs collaborate with Career Services and Workforce Development (HRD) to improve students’ employability skills by introducing them to online resources during the orientation and enrollment process.