Heads Up! All Continuing Education courses starting between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026, will open for registration on July 1, 2025. These courses will be available to view on the website starting March 21, 2025.
Continuing Education Class Visitation Guidelines
The Plan determines the required frequency of class visitations for compliance:
- The required number of classes is based on each individual director’s supervised classes.
- These classes are exempt from class visitations:
- Noncredit self-supporting classes and community service classes
- Noncredit classes with twelve (12) contact hours or less
- Twenty-five percent (25%) of all non-credit on-campus classes need to be visited by the supervising director or dean. On-campus is any class section held at an official campus location. For example, if a director had four on-campus classes during one term, at least one of those classes must be visited with a documented class visitation form.
- Fifty percent (50%) of all non-credit off-campus and online learning classes need to be visited by the supervising director or dean. Off-campus locations are course sections held at locations that are not official campus locations (community centers, churches, other facilities not owned or operated by the College, etc.) or online (hybrid, blended, or internet class). For example, if a director had ten off-campus classes during one term, at least five of those classes must be visited with a documented class visitation form.
- Round up the number of classes you visit if the number is .5 or more (Example: 1.5 classes required = visit 2 classes).
- If you only supervise one on-campus class, you must visit that class even though the required amount is 0.25 class.
- These class visitations should take place during the term of the class. While you may be able to go back to an online class after it ends, the point of the class visitation is to give relevant, timely feedback on the class in progress.
- Submit class visitations by the end of the term of the class:
- Spring (CE1) - Submit by May 15
- Summer (CE2) - Submit by August 14
- Fall (CE3) - Submit by December 31
- To access the Class Visitation form, you need to log into . It is listed under the employee section.
- The Class Visitation form requires 300 characters in the comments section to be submitted – this should be constructive feedback about the class.
- If there is not a director supervising a CE class, the dean or assistant dean needs to observe that class.
- The number of CE classes fluctuates during the term of instruction because CE classes can be added throughout the term. It is the director’s responsibility to keep track of the changing number of required classes based on the number of classes they supervise. Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Compliance (CDAC) is available to help with calculations as needed.
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