The Center for Learning Excellence (CLE) prepares teaching guides for faculty and staff so that they may offer their students the most effective curriculum and learning environment possible.

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Understanding Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Small Teaching provides simple, highly effective strategies that instructors can integrate into their classrooms with minimal planning, resources, or preparation. The goal is to enhance student learning by leveraging manageable yet impactful techniques. These strategies can be applied across various disciplines and levels of student engagement.

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Small Teaching 

Small Teaching provides simple, highly effective strategies that instructors can integrate into their classrooms with minimal planning, resources, or preparation. The goal is to enhance student learning by leveraging manageable yet impactful techniques. These strategies can be applied across various disciplines and levels of student engagement.

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8-Week Course Preparation

Many colleges have adopted the 8-week format with the goal of improving student learning and retention. The expectation is that 8-week courses will be the academic equivalent of 16-week courses. To meet these expectations, 8-week courses require careful and intentional thought about the course design. This guide hopes to give you some tips to think about as you convert your courses to an 8-week format.

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Weaving CLOs into Course Design

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) are derived from a variety of sources, such as state regulations, certifying bodies, and other relevant entities, depending on the course. Regardless of their origin, each course encompasses specific content that must be covered within a set timeframe. This guide aims to assist instructors in creating module outcomes based on their course CLOs.

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