Welcome to 麻豆影视. You are now part of a higher education institution making a positive difference in the lives of Triangle residents and in the economy of the region since opening our doors in 1961. Together, we serve more than 18,000 students annually across seven campuses in 麻豆影视 and Orange counties while also providing various online courses. 

This Employee Handbook provides a wealth of information about the policies and procedures that we follow in doing our work at the college. Take a moment to review the history of our college and our mission and goals that guide our efforts.

Please review this Employee Handbook and refer to it as needed during what, I hope, will be a rewarding career of service at 麻豆影视 to students and to the community.

Again, I welcome you to the 麻豆影视 family.


J.B. Buxton, President

Handbook Sections

Employee Handbook Revisions

A Division Head must approve any requested revisions to Employee Handbook information within their span of responsibilities and must forward the request for revision to the President and/or their duly appointed representative(s). If approved, the directive to make the revision in the Employee Handbook must be communicated in writing, by memorandum or email, to the Director, Human Resources and Talent Management, and copied to the members of the President's Cabinet. The President's Cabinet then determines if any further recommendation for revision is necessary and/or verifies when the revision is completed as reflected in the Employee Handbook maintained on the college website.

While a printed copy of the Employee Handbook can be obtained by printing from the College website, employees are urged to use the Employee Handbook on the website for reference and for printing pages on an as-needed basis only. This ensures that employees are using current 麻豆影视 Employee Handbook information. A copy of the Employee Handbook, printed from the website, is maintained in Human Resources and Talent Management  and in the Main Campus, Northern 麻豆影视 Center, and Orange County Campus libraries.

Governing Board

Board of Trustees

麻豆影视nical Community College is governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees. Four members of the Board are appointed by the Governor, four are appointed by the 麻豆影视 County Board of Commissioners, four are appointed by the 麻豆影视 Public Schools Board of Education, and two are appointed by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. Trustees serve four-year terms and set local policy for the College. A representative of the College鈥檚 Student Government Association also serves as a non-voting member of the Board.

Board and Employee Relationships

The President of 麻豆影视 derives their authority from the College鈥檚 Board of Trustees. In effect, the Board has a single employee (the President) through whom the policies of the Board are enacted and the programs and services of the College are carried out. College employees should be mindful of this in their interactions with individuals who serve on the Board. Board members individually and the Board collectively should receive all information about the college from the President directly or from college employees acting at the President鈥檚 direction. College employees who receive requests for information from individual Board members should promptly notify the President of those requests. In addition, college employees are expected to apprise the President of any college-related contact with individual Board members. (This expectation does not apply to a request for information about the President鈥檚 job performance as part of a regular or special review of the President that has been duly commissioned by the Board of Trustees.)

College employees should refrain from initiating contact with Board members to discuss college business unless specifically directed to do so by the President. College employees should pursue a grievance against the President by contacting the Director, Human Resources and Talent Management as outlined in the Whistleblower Policy.

Organization and Administration

The chief administrative/chief executive officer of the College is the President who is appointed by the College鈥檚 Board of Trustees and approved by the State Board of Community Colleges.

The College's administrative and operational structure consists of seven primary divisions with an administrative officer responsible for the function of each division. The divisions are: Office of the President; Academics and Guided Career Pathways; Student Engagement, Development, and Support; Campus Operations; Finance; Strategy; and Talent and Equity.

Staffing Chart

The College publishes a Staffing Chart (pdf) that shows its organizational structure (pdf) and lists full-time positions and position titles. In accordance with GS 115D-20 and the Board of Trustees bylaws, the Board authorizes the President to employ all personnel of the institution. The Board  reviews the Staffing Chart annually.

Job Descriptions

Each position at the College is described in an approved job description on file with Human Resources. Supervisors and employees are to review job descriptions during the Performance Review and Evaluation process and should update job descriptions when any changes are made in position responsibilities, title, working hours, or required or preferred qualifications. 

Seven senior administrators report directly to the President. General job responsibilities of these administrators follow, along with information about the President鈥檚 Cabinet and the College鈥檚 councils and committees.


The President serves as the chief administrative/executive officer and is directly responsible to the Board of Trustees for the College鈥檚 operation and management. The President operates within established policies and procedures and in accordance with the Trustees鈥 guidelines and bylaws, and State Board of Community Colleges code. The President recommends policies to the Board of Trustees and discharges those functions that the Board may delegate. The President provides leadership for educational programs and services, maintains a qualified staff, ensures proper operating procedures for all functions within the College, and appoints committees when needed. The President participates in professional and community agency committees, boards, and organizations as necessary and appropriate. The President鈥檚 Office provides key strategic support to the Center for Workforce Engagement, Institutional Advancement, Marketing and Communications, Center for the Global Learner, and Board of Trustees operations.

Vice President, Chief Academic Officer

The Vice President, Chief Academic Officer provides the strategic vision and senior leadership for Academics and Guided Career Pathways. The Vice President is responsible for leading the development of innovative programs that address the region鈥檚 educational and workforce development needs; advancing student access, success, and completion through instructional initiatives and collaborative strategies;  strategic planning, oversight, execution, assessment, and continuous improvement; and ensuring the alignment of instructional programs  to achieve institutional goals and objectives.

Vice President, Chief Student Services Officer

The Vice President, Chief Student Services Officer provides direct leadership for  Center for Academic Excellence, Financial Aid and Veteran Services, Library Services, Student Engagement and Enrichment, Student Services, and Student Supports and Basic Needs. Additionally, the Chief Student Services Officer provides oversight for Admissions, Registration, and Records, Advising Services, Commencement, Counseling Accessibility and Resources, High School Partnerships, Student Activities and Leadership, Student Communications, and Testing Center.

Vice President, Chief Campus Operations Officer

The Vice President, Chief Campus Operations Officer, is responsible for providing senior leadership for the core operations, infrastructure, security, and technology support services for the college. This includes Information Technology Services, Instructional Technology Services, Facility Services, Campus Police and Public Safety, operations at the Orange County and Northern 麻豆影视 campuses, and auxiliary operations including the Caf茅, Bookstore. Print Shop and Vending services.

Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

The Vice President, Chief Financial Officer is responsible for planning, coordinating, supervising, evaluating, and supporting the College鈥檚 financial management functions. The Vice President assists the President in preparing the College's budget; establishing and maintaining an adequate system of accounting and financial reporting; supervising the procurement of services, supplies, and equipment; providing for the receipt, custody, and disbursement of institutional funds; maintaining property inventories; and providing institutional control of contracted services. The financial and business operations of the College are conducted according to the rules and regulations established by the State Board of Community Colleges.

Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer

The Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer provides leadership for Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Planning; and oversees strategic planning, institutional effectiveness, institutional research, compliance and audit, accreditation, and special projects aligned with College priorities. The Vice President provides the overall strategic planning, management, and assessment necessary to support College leaders in work that builds core competencies to achieve the goals outlined within the strategic plan.

Vice President, Chief Talent and Equity Officer

The Vice President, Chief Talent and Equity Officer is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive talent management strategy to leverage talent for institutional growth. The Vice President leads the development and implementation of proactive equity, inclusion, and diversity initiatives which support the College鈥檚 strategic plan. 

Vice President, Chief Institutional Advancement Officer

The Vice President and Chief Institutional Advancement Officer develops and leads a comprehensive resource development program to support the strategic and institutional goals of the college. This role cultivates key partnerships with private donors, corporations, and foundations to secure investments that directly impact student success, employee development, program and facility enhancements, and other college advancement needs and priorities. The Vice President oversees the 麻豆影视 Foundation, leading strategy and ensuring responsible stewardship of the Foundation鈥檚 assets and endowments, along with the Board of Directors.

President鈥檚 Executive Cabinet

The President鈥檚 Executive Cabinet meets with the President regularly to discuss and advise the President on major issues facing the College. In addition to bringing their unique perspectives to the discussion, Cabinet members are also responsible for sharing information and communicating, as appropriate, with other College employees. The President鈥檚 Executive Cabinet includes all Vice Presidents and the College鈥檚 Public Information Officer. The Executive Leadership Team includes all Vice Presidents, the Public Information Officer, deans, and executive directors.

Councils, Committees, and Associations

麻豆影视 promotes employee excellence and retention by investing in our employees and providing opportunities for broad participation, engagement, and collaborative decision making through the College鈥檚 councils, committees, and associations.

Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic Advising

麻豆影视 is committed to providing adequate and appropriate assistance to all registering students; those admitted to career technical and university transfer programs, those who have not yet declared a major, and those entering as visiting students who wish to increase their knowledge and skills without earning a degree, diploma, or certificate. All students admitted to curriculum programs will have assigned academic advisors. Those enrolled as visiting students have access to faculty and professional staff advisors. The primary responsibility of the advising system is to provide accurate and up-to-date information about career and university transfer plans of study, course content, program requirements, class schedules, registration, and other college offerings and support services. View the Advising procedures.

Academic Freedom

麻豆影视 preserves an environment for excellence in teaching, learning, and inquiry by sustaining freedom of expression, scholarly pursuit of knowledge, spirited and open debate, and intellectual exchange. Academic freedom is vital to the college community鈥檚 shared goal of the pursuit of knowledge, is fundamental to the exploration of new ideas, and is essential as we learn from one another.

Academic freedom is defined as an individual鈥檚 right to engage in intellectual debate, research, speech, or written or electronic correspondence, on and off campus, without fear of censorship, retaliation, or sanction. Academic freedom encompasses both the individual鈥檚 and College鈥檚 right to maintain academic standards and gives faculty members substantial latitude in deciding how to teach the courses to which they are assigned; encourage intellectual integrity; sustain pedagogical approaches consistent with the discipline taught; and evaluate student work. Academic freedom preserves the right of individuals to disagree with college policies or procedures. Academic freedom includes the right for one individual to challenge the views of another individual.

For more information regarding the specific responsibilities, definitions, and procedures associated with academic freedom, consult the Academic Freedom policy.

Academic Information

Consistent with the College's mission, the Instructional Services Division facilitates and encourages life-long learning throughout the college community. Learning is defined for this purpose as the intentional process of acquiring knowledge or skills. This process requires the engagement of the learner and leads to a demonstrable change in the way the learner relates to their environment. The college ensures that its graduates have acquired the knowledge and/or skills necessary for future academic, technical, or professional success. Graduates will also demonstrate the following attributes:

  • The ability to communicate clearly, effectively, and respectfully both orally and in writing;
  • The ability to recognize cultural differences among peoples, to develop tolerance for differences, and to act appropriately with individuals of varying cultures;
  • The ability to contribute positively to the academic and workplace environment by demonstrating expected behaviors (e.g. integrity, demeanor, attendance, punctuality) and by working with others to solve problems;
  • The ability to learn how to learn and to possess critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary in an ever-changing environment; and
  • The ability to recognize ethical dilemmas and to identify possible solutions.
  • The Instructional Services Division believes that as learning occurs, changes begin within the person and transcend to interpersonal relationships, groups, community, and to the greater global environment. Also see the Instructor Resources for additional procedures and information.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy

麻豆影视 upholds and enforces high standards of academic honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom. The college establishes and follows a process for defining and addressing academic dishonesty when it occurs. The college recognizes plagiarism as a specific subset of academic dishonesty and follows a process for addressing plagiarism. View the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy.

Accountability and Credibility Procedures for Non-credit Classes

As part of the Continuing Education Accountability and Integrity Plan, class visitations are conducted each term and visitations are documented in the Class Visitation Report.

On-Campus Class Visits

On-campus classes are class sections held at official campus locations. Deans and program directors conduct unannounced visits to at least twenty-five (25) percent of all noncredit on-campus classes each term. The deans and directors who conduct these visits are the supervisors of the instructors assigned to teach these on-campus classes. A designee may conduct the visits with prior written approval from the Vice President, Academics and Guided Career Pathways/Chief Academic Officer. 

Off-Campus and Online Learning Class Visits

Off-campus classes are course sections held at locations that are not official campus locations (e.g., courses provided at community centers, churches, or other facilities not owned or operated by the College). Online learning classes are class sections delivered via the internet. Deans and program directors conduct unannounced visits to at least fifty (50) percent of all noncredit off-campus and online learning classes each term. The Vice President, Chief Academic Officer or a designee appointed by the President, visits a randomly selected sample of ten (10) percent of off-campus class sections defined above. These visits occur with no prior notification to the instructor or the instructor鈥檚 supervisor.

Course sections of twelve (12) contact hours or less, self-supporting courses, and community service courses are excluded from this class visitation plan. This applies to on-campus, off-campus, and online learning class visits.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The college is obligated to provide equal access to students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students requesting accommodations due to disabilities for any college activity should be directed to contact Counseling, Accessibility, and Resources for services available through the Accessibility Services. Should an employee of the college receive a request from a student for accommodations on the basis of a disability, the employee is obligated to refer the student to Counseling, Accessibility, and Resources so the request can be documented and verified. Failure to respond appropriately to a student鈥檚 request for accommodations may constitute discrimination under federal law

Read the steps for faculty working with students with disabilities in the Accessibility Services section.

Admissions Policy

麻豆影视 follows an open-door with guided placement admissions policy as established by the State Board of Community Colleges and consistent with 1D SBCCC 400.2. The college is an affirmative action, equal opportunity, American Disabilities Act, Section 504 institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex or sexual orientation, color, age, religion, national origin, or disability in admitting students. The college reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant during any period of time that the student is suspended or expelled from any other educational institution. The College also reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant who poses an articulable, imminent, and significant threat to others. View the Admissions policy and procedures.

Credit Hour Determination

Consistent with the North Carolina Administrative Code 23 NCAC 01A.0101, a credit hour at 麻豆影视nical Community College is calculated according to the following formula as based on a 16-week semester: 1 hour of classroom instruction per week equals 1 credit hour; 2 hours of supervised laboratory instruction per week equal 1 credit hour; 3 hours of supervised manipulative laboratory, shop, or clinical practice per week equal 1 credit hour; and 10 hours of work experience, practicum, or internship per week equal 1 credit hour. View the Credit Hour Determination policy and purpose.

Self-Support Policy

The Board of Trustees of 麻豆影视 authorizes the collection of certain fees for individual courses or groups of courses within programs offered on a self-support basis. Under the terms of this policy, all students enrolled in self-support courses pay a pro-rata share of the amount of direct and indirect costs involved in the course or program sequence.  The following are considered direct costs:

  1. Instructor salary including benefits, travel, course development costs, etc.;
  2. Instructional supplies and materials;
  3. Rental of building, and other directly assignable costs;
  4. Advertising and printing costs associated with brochures, postage, mailing, etc.;
  5. Equipment associated with instruction of self-support classes;
  6. Refreshments;
  7. Other costs necessary for and directly assignable to a self-support class (can include administrative/clerical support costs if verified as directly assignable.)

Indirect costs include the following:

  1. Utilities, custodial, and security;
  2. Coordination, administration, or clerical salaries and fringe benefits.

Courses Offered on Self-Support Basis

The Board of Trustees authorizes the college administration to designate certain classes as 鈥渟elf-supporting鈥 in nature. The cost of a block of self-supporting classes may be determined in aggregate, so that revenues generated will cover all direct costs plus at least 25% to cover a reasonable portion of indirect costs. When possible under the above model, curriculum courses offered during the summer, for which no state 鈥淔TE earnings鈥 are received, will be offered at the same rate as for stated supported classes. Alternatively, the cost of a self-supporting class may be determined by calculating the total of all direct costs associated with that particular class and adding a minimum 25 percent mark-up to the direct cost total. Each student enrolled will pay a pro-rata share of the cost of that self-supporting class. This fee is determined by dividing the cost of the self-supporting class by the number of estimated students that will register for that class or by dividing the cost of the class by the registration fee which will then determine the minimum number of students needed to register.

Excess Funds

Funds in excess of direct and indirect expenditures will be used for the direct benefit of the students at the discretion of the president. Following are examples of the activities upon which excess funds may be spent:

  • Educational activities for college personnel to enhance student success;
  • Student aid and/or scholarships;
  • Program development;
  • Other similar expenses authorized by the Board of Trustees (such as new faculty positions for a start up of new programs, counselors, equipment, construction, etc.);
  • Support of state funded instruction on a temporary basis when state support is inadequate to pay for the costs of the instructional program, especially to support program growth or expansion; and
  • Other expenditures of direct benefit to students (such as funding of positions for financial aid and student activities, etc.).

Substantive Change Policy

麻豆影视 provides written notification to its accrediting agency, SACSCOC, of substantive changes at the college in accordance with Commission policies and timetables. View the Substantive Change policy and procedures.

Statement of Compliance with Federal and State Laws

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan

麻豆影视nical Community College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity, ADA, Section 504 Institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, or disability. This statement, which appears in or on external publications, indicates 麻豆影视鈥檚 commitment to actively seek and employ qualified applicants for all positions in accordance with the institution's affirmative action plan. The college supports the protection of all persons under all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Equal Pay and Age Discrimination Acts, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Responsibility for implementing the equal opportunity employment policy and the affirmative action plan is delegated by the Board of Trustees to the President. An Affirmative Action Officer, reporting to the President, has the authority and responsibility to implement and coordinate the College鈥檚 affirmative action plan.

Compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1988

麻豆影视鈥檚 Drug and Alcohol Policy complies with N.C. General Statutes 90-95 and the Drug-Free School and Communities Act of 1989. The college promotes a drug-free and alcohol-free workplace for employees and students. This Drug and Alcohol Policy is distributed to all employees and students. North Carolina law makes it a crime to possess, sell, deliver, or manufacture those drugs designated as controlled substances. Persons who violate this law are subject to punishment and prosecution by civil authorities as well as disciplinary action by 麻豆影视nical Community College.

Other College Compliance

The college also complies with the Student Right to Know Act of 1991, the Campus Crime Act of 1990, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and the Occupational and Health Act of 1973. Additional information about the legislation noted above is available in Human Resources and Talent Management.

Professional Development

Professional Development Opportunities

麻豆影视 fosters educational and service excellence through continuous improvement of the College鈥檚 most valuable resource 鈥 employees. All full-time employees will participate in professional development annually as identified within the employee鈥檚 performance review and evaluation. Review the Professional Development policy and procedure.

The college also provides a wide range of professional development opportunities on campus. Visit the Professional Development section for further information about professional development opportunities.

The College encourages employee participation in activities designed to promote, maintain, and develop academic and professional expertise including:鈥 

  • Training in academic research, teaching methods, and learning pedagogy;鈥 
  • Education to obtain professional licensures and maintain continuing education credits;鈥痑nd
  • Activities through the Teaching-Learning Center (TLC)鈥.

Employee Meetings and College Convocations

Communication among 麻豆影视 employees is recognized as critical to the functioning of the college and important in developing employees鈥 knowledge about the college. Several methods are used to help facilitate communication of information throughout the college. Activities that help create an understanding of and an appreciation for each employee鈥檚 contribution to the College's mission are also important.

To help facilitate communication and increase understanding, a full employee convocation as well as faculty-staff meetings are scheduled each academic year. The President鈥檚 Office, in conjunction with Human Resources and Talent Management, organizes these meetings to exchange information, enhance the feeling of a college community, and recognize individual efforts. In addition to these meetings, all employees are invited to participate in informal conversations with the president, which are scheduled quarterly.

Financial Support for Employee Tuition and Fees

Full-time employees are allowed to take at no charge one 麻豆影视 curriculum or continuing education course per term, with the cost limited to the amount of tuition and fees for a five-credit-hour course. The cost for this free course benefit at 麻豆影视 is limited to $426.

Eligible employees must complete the Part-Time Educational Leave form, obtain all approvals required on the form, and ensure that the Director of Human Resources and Talent Management receives the completed form no fewer than 10 working days prior to the last registration date for the course request being made.

If the completed form with all necessary approvals is not received in Human Resources and Talent Management at least 10 working days prior to the last registration date for the course, the college will not pay for the course at that time and the employee will have to wait for a future offering of the course and submit the completed form by the required deadline in order for the college to provide this benefit of paying for the course.

Institutional Membership in Professional Organizations

Requests for institutional membership in appropriate professional organizations may be submitted as part of local budget requests. Individual memberships are not provided from institutional funds.

Visit Organizational Development and Learning for more information about how the college supports professional development.

General Information

Personnel Records

Employee files are maintained by Human Resources and Talent Management and are considered confidential, except as governed by NC General Statute 115D-27-30 for community college employees. 麻豆影视 department/division heads and supervisors, other than designated human resources representatives, may only have access to personnel file information on a need-to-know basis. Department/division heads or supervisors considering the hire of a former employee or transfer of a current employee may be granted access to the employee鈥檚 file. Review the Personnel Records policy and procedure.

Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities

The college is obligated to provide equal access to employees with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Employees requesting accommodations due to any disability should direct these requests to the Director, Human Resources and Talent Management.

Copyrighted Materials

Faculty and staff should exercise caution when reproducing copyrighted materials. Employees should be familiar with the Copyright Law (PL-94-553) which stipulates that permission of the copyright holder is required before systematic copying or taping of copyrighted materials. The copying or taping of copyrighted materials must meet tests of 鈥渟pontaneity鈥 and 鈥渂revity鈥 as defined within the law.

The text of the law and guidelines for its application are available in the college鈥檚 library. Employees should review this material if they have any question about the legality or appropriateness of reproducing materials. Available information includes examples of letters to copyright owners requesting permission to reproduce their materials and guidelines for reproducing both print and audiovisual materials, computer software, or other copyrighted materials.


In certain emergencies, evacuation of buildings may be necessary. Employees are urged to become familiar with the nearest exits as noted on the fire/emergency evacuation signs posted in campus buildings. In case of a fire alarm or other evacuation emergencies, employees are to leave the building at the nearest exit. Once outside, employees should move a safe distance from the building, being sure not to block driveways. Employees should not move their vehicles unless instructed to do so.

For medical emergencies, ambulance service is available by dialing 9-911 on a campus phone or 911 on a cell phone. Campus Security officers should be contacted at 919-536-7255, extension 5500 or the emergency number at 919-536-7255, extension 5555 to assist if appropriate. The employee calling for emergency services should file a medical incident report with Campus Security.

For emergencies of any kind, please contact Campus Police and Public Safety at 919-536-7255, ext. 5555.

Emergency Closing of College Facilities

In the event of inclement weather or other emergencies, the President makes decisions about closing the college and/or canceling classes. Class make-up schedules are distributed as part of the annual academic calendar. View the Inclement Weather procedure and Alert Notifications web page.


麻豆影视nical Community College offers 12 paid holidays to 12-month employees and ten paid holidays to 9-month employees each year. Review the Employee Holidays policy and procedure.

Parking and Traffic

Operating motor vehicles on campus is governed by provisions of N.C. General Statutes Chapter 115D-20 and the Traffic/Parking Regulations adopted by the College鈥檚 Board of Trustees. A copy of the provisions of Chapter 115D-20 is available for review in the Library; the Traffic/Parking Regulations are available on the traffic and parking requirements webpage as well as on brochures available in Campus Security and in the Business Office.

A parking permit is required to be displayed in all motor vehicles parked on campus. Each employee is responsible for obtaining a faculty/staff parking permit from Campus Security, located in Building 8. The parking permit should hang facing outward on the rearview mirror inside the vehicle. Nothing should obstruct the view of the permit in any way.

In order to use handicapped parking spaces on the Main Campus and at the Northern 麻豆影视 Center, faculty and staff must have a state-issued handicapped permit. The permit must be issued to the person using it while parking on campus. The state-issued handicapped parking permit must be registered with Campus Security. Vehicles not registered for handicapped parking through Campus Security are subject to ticketing and towing if using handicapped parking spaces.

Faculty and staff are required to follow parking and traffic regulations on campus as well as pay any fines for ticketed violations. Non-payment of fines could result in the garnishment of wages.

Payroll Distribution

Designated supervisors are responsible for authorizing pay for employees. Full-time employees on regular contracts of employment are paid monthly. Part-time, hourly-paid employees are also paid monthly. Payday is normally the last regular working day of the month. Please refer to the Pay Dates/Pay Periods schedule for specific dates. All employees are paid by electronic deposit of funds to their bank account. Read more about the Payroll Distribution procedure.

Working Hours

Full-time employees on regular contracts of employment are responsible for working a minimum of 40 hours per week within the normal operating schedule of the college based on the needs of the college. Normally, 麻豆影视 is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. This schedule is adjusted during semester breaks and during the summer term when evening and/or weekend classes are not in session. Work schedules are subject to change upon approval by each employee's supervisor.

Employee Benefits

Insurance Benefits

麻豆影视 provides several insurance plans and voluntary supplemental plans for full-time employees. The college also provides medical, dental, vision, disability, and life insurance for full-time employees. Employees must enroll within 30 days of their starting date in order to be eligible to participate in any insurance benefits 麻豆影视 provides. All insurance becomes effective on the first day of the month after the employee receives their first paycheck. There is no waiting period for the employee's dependents if they are enrolled within the first 30 days of employment. Employees who miss the initial enrollment deadline must wait until open enrollment of the following benefit year to enroll, unless there was a qualified life event.

Various insurance plans are available as follows:

Medical Insurance

Health insurance is provided by the North Carolina Teachers鈥 and State Employees鈥 Comprehensive Major Medical Plan. The college pays a portion of the cost of the employee鈥檚 coverage on the basic coverage plan; employees pay a portion of the standard coverage plan. Children and family coverage is available to each participating employee and must be paid by the employee. For additional information about this insurance, visit the , or contact the college鈥檚 Senior Human Resources Generalist, who also serves as the college's Health Benefits Representative.

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance coverage is through . The college pays the cost of the employee鈥檚 coverage. Family coverage is available to each participating employee and must be paid by the employee. Coverage includes exams, cleaning, and X-rays at 100 percent. Other procedures are covered at 80 percent for preventive service and 50 percent for restorative procedures. Limited assistance is provided for orthodontic care.

Vision Insurance

Vision insurance is available as an optional benefit through the provider network of ophthalmologists, optometrists, and optical companies. Employees may select a plan for an annual exam and materials or a plan for materials only. Discounts are available for prescription eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, disposable contact lenses, and all other prescription materials. Because this is an optional benefit, all costs related to participation are paid by employees.

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (ENI) is a professional, confidential counseling service available to assist all current employees (FT and PT) and their immediate family members in resolving personal issues before they affect health, family relationships, and/or job performance. The Employee Assistance Program (ENI) also covers HR Development Tools, Legal/Financial Consultations, Health Advocacy, Child/Elder Care, Virtual Concierge, Health Coaching and Behavioral Health Counseling. Benefits include up to (8) visits per category listed per calendar year for each family member. If additional visits are needed, the state health plan will cover behavioral health counseling services at the existing counseling co-pay.

To contact an Employee Assistance Program Counselor at ENI for free confidential assistance call 1-800-327-2255 or login at . Company ID is needed to create an online account. 


TelaDoc provides employees with 24/7 phone or video access to doctors who can diagnose common medical conditions, provide treatment plans, and even write prescriptions when needed. Whether they鈥檙e on vacation or its 2am, employees can have access to the care they need, when they need it. For additional information visit the  website or call 1-800-835-2632.


Health Advocate gives employees 24/7 access to healthcare experts, who help make the complex simple by personally helping employees find the right answers for questions about medical issues, health plan coverage or connecting members to professional counselors for help with personal, family, and work problems. Contact 1-866-799-2728.

Cancer/Dread Disease Insurance

Cancer/dread disease insurance is available as an optional plan covering cancer and 30 specified diseases with hospital intensive care. A return of premium is available after five years.

Disability Insurance

The Teachers鈥 and State Employees鈥 Disability Income Plan provides an equitable replacement income for eligible employees who are temporarily or permanently disabled and unable to perform the duties required of their usual occupation prior to retirement. Short-term disability benefits are payable on the sixty-first day of a disability. Employees must have at least one year of contributing membership service in the Retirement System earned within 36 calendar months preceding the disability. Benefits for short-term disability are equal to 50 percent of 1/12 of the employee鈥檚 annual base rate of compensation. At the conclusion of the short-term eligibility period, an employee whose disability is likely to be permanent is eligible to apply for long-term disability benefits if the employee has five years of contributing membership service earned within 96 calendar months prior to the end of the short-term disability (available to employees participating in the Retirement System).

Disability insurance options are also available as follows:

  • Colonial Life Insurance Company 鈥 Provides an individual plan beginning on the eighth day an illness (including pregnancy) and the first day of an accident. This insurance is portable after separation from the college.
  • Sun Life Financial Voluntary Long-Term Disability- Provides an individual plan based on the individual鈥檚 annual earnings and age. This insurance is portable after separation from the college.

Liability Insurance

All employees are covered through 麻豆影视's general and professional liability insurance. This insurance provides coverage arising from any alleged wrongful act, error, omission or neglect, or breach of duty that occurs when acting as a representative of 麻豆影视.

Pet Insurance

Nationwide offers medical coverage and wellness coverage for pets. Medical coverage includes accidents, illnesses, surgeries, and prescriptions. Wellness coverage includes vaccinations, checkups, and flea/heartworm prevention. Employees can enroll and receive a quote from or 1-877-738-7874.

Life Insurance

麻豆影视 provides life insurance benefits and additional options as follows:

  • Teachers鈥 and State Employees鈥 Retirement System of North Carolina 鈥 Provides a group plan equal to the employee鈥檚 annual salary, not to exceed $50,000, after one year of employment
  • Colonial Life Insurance Company 鈥 Provides a voluntary group plan offering term and cash value permanent life insurance as well as an accidental death benefit. This insurance is portable
  • Met Life Insurance Company 鈥 Provides a group plan equal to the employee鈥檚 annual salary up to $100K. This benefit is provided only to full-time employees and is for basic annual earnings and will not include overload contracts, summer contracts, and supplemental contracts.

Longevity Pay

Regular contract full-time employees are eligible for longevity pay after the date the employee has completed 10 years of aggregate service to the State of North Carolina. Prior State of North Carolina service may count toward calculation of longevity for pay purposes if necessary records are provided by the employee at the time of employment.

Longevity pay amounts are computed by multiplying the employee's annual base salary rate as of the eligibility date by the appropriate percentage in accordance with the following table:

Years of Aggregate State Service

Longevity Pay Rate

10 but less than 15 years


15 but less than 20 years


20 but less than 25 years


25 or more years


Annual payment is made in a lump sum, subject to all statutory deductions, during the monthly pay period in which the employee has satisfied all eligibility requirements.

National College Savings Program (529 Plan)

Full-time employees are eligible to participate in the National College Savings Program. The National College Program, which is officially known as the North Carolina Savings and Investment Program, has been established by the State Education Assistance Authority, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, to enable residents of any state to invest funds to pay the qualified higher education expenses of their designated beneficiaries on a flexible basis that achieves certain tax savings in accordance with federal tax law and North Carolina law. As part of the program, the General Assembly has established the Parental Savings Trust Fund of which the Authority is trustee, to hold all assets of the program. The Trust Fund assets are not the property of the State of North Carolina. See additional information on the .


Section 125 Flexible Benefits Plan (Cafeteria Plan)

The Flexible Benefits Plan allows employees to elect (by estimating expected expenses) the amount of out-of-pocket medical and/or dependent/child care expenses they anticipate incurring during the annual benefit period. The law allows for that same amount of income not to be taxed. The portion elected for eligible expenses is set aside each pay period and later reimbursed when the expense is incurred (available to full-time employees working 30 hours or more per week).

Special Offers and Discounts

Some restaurants, stores, and businesses give discounts, coupons, or special offers to state and local government public employees.

  • The 麻豆影视 Performing Arts Center (DPAC) offers a to Broadway shows.
  • offers savings on movie tickets, theme parks, hotels, tours, Broadway and Vegas shows, and more. Use code DTCCF18
  • located at 6104 Fayetteville Road, Suite 107, offers free teeth whitening for new patients. 
  • The offers discounts to entertainment, attractions, dining, shopping, and travel.
  • The performances offer a Golden Ticket Discount for educators. Contact Becca Gargiulo, becca@americandancefestival.org for more information.

Student Clinics

Cosmetology Clinic

Open to the public, Cosmetology program students provide hair, nail, and makeup services at reduced prices. The Cosmetology Clinic is located at the Duke Street North campus. Call 919-536-7222, ext. 4313, for an appointment.

Esthetician Spa

Students of the Esthetician Technology program provide 麻豆影视 employees, current students 18 or older, and members of the public with free facials, waxing, and specialty services. The Esthetician spa is located at the Duke Street North campus. Call 919-536-7222, ext. 4313, for an appointment.

Massage Therapy Clinic

The Massage Therapy Clinic provides full body massages at a reduced price to anyone 18 and older. The clinic is staffed by 麻豆影视 Massage Therapy students and is located at the Duke Street North campus. Call 919-536-7222, ext. 4313, for an appointment.

Optical Shop

As part of the Opticianry program鈥檚 laboratory instruction, students can fabricate employees鈥 and students鈥 eyeglasses on request according to their prescription. This service, provided under supervision of the instructor, is available through the 麻豆影视 Optical Shop. A competitive fee is charged for the fabrication of eyeglasses. Free adjustments and minor eyeglass repairs are also available. The shop accepts Community Eye Care insurance. However, the services are considered out of network, but forms for reimbursement can be obtained through . You may also use your FSA card to purchase eyeglasses or contacts from the shop through the College鈥檚 Business Office.

College Bookstore Discount

The College Bookstore provides a discount to employees on purchases on clothing, gifts, and supplies that are imprinted with 麻豆影视. 

Real Estate and Relocation Program

Employees of 麻豆影视 have access to a real estate and relocation incentive program called . SMARTMOVE helps homebuyers and sellers identify qualified real estate professionals to navigate the total home ownership experience. The program assigns a personal move coordinator who provides a network of skilled real estate agents, household good movers, mortgage lenders, and other vendors related to renting, buying, selling, or owning real estate. Registering in the program also qualifies participants for cash rewards. For more information, contact Fonville Morrissey Relocation Services at 1-800-846-7356 or visit the website.

State Employee's Credit Union

Employees are eligible to join the State Employees' Credit Union. The credit union is a cooperative savings and loan association organized to promote thrift among its members and to provide a source of credit for worthwhile purposes at the least possible cost. Banking services include but may not be limited to savings, checking, loans, and direct payroll deposit. Financial advisement is also available. Contact the Accounting and Payroll Services Department in the Business Office for information.

Coastal Credit Union

Full-time employees are eligible to join the Coastal Credit Union. As a credit union, it is owned by its members. Transactions provide donations back to the community. Minimum deposit to join is $25.

Self Help Credit Union

Full-time employees are eligible to join the Self-Help Credit Union. Self-Help鈥檚 mission is to create and protect ownership and economic opportunity for all. 麻豆影视 supports this Co-Op credit union because it provides responsible financial services and promotes fair financial practices across North Carolina.

Tax-Deferred Annuity Plans

Tax-deferred annuity programs are available to full-time employees. Under these programs, the employee designates specific salary funds to be deposited in an annuity fund. These funds are deferred from taxes until the employee retires or withdraws the funds. These additional funds at retirement may serve to supplement an employee鈥檚 retirement income. College employees may choose to participated in several retirement savings plans. The NC 401(k) Plan and the NC Deferred Compensation Plan (457) are two supplemental retirement saving options available through the Department of the State Treasurer. There are separate NC 403(b) Programs available through Valic. All record-keeping, education, and communication services for the Program Plans are provided through Empower. For additional information contact your Empower Retirement Education Counselor or call 866-NCPlans (866-627-5267).

Workers' Compensation

All employees are covered through the North Carolina Workers鈥 Compensation Insurance. Liability under Workers鈥 Compensation applies to on-the-job injuries or death caused by an accident arising in the course of employment. In case of an accident covered through Workers鈥 Compensation Insurance, individuals may obtain the necessary forms to report such accidents from Human Resources and Talent Management located in the White Building. More information can be found in the Workers鈥 Compensation Process Manual on the Employee Shared Drive >Employees> Human Resources>Worker Compensation (Procedures and Forms)>Workers Compensation Process Manual.

Leave Regulations

Employee Annual Leave Accrual Policy

麻豆影视鈥檚 regular full-time employees earn annual leave based on their years of aggregate State of North Carolina service in accordance with the most current version of the North Carolina Office of State Personnel鈥檚 . For additional information review the Employee Annual Leave Accrual policy.

Exception: Annual leave shall not be cumulative for more than 240 hours. Effective December 31, 1993, any employee who, as of June 30 of each year, has annual leave that is in excess of the allowed accumulation of 30 days or 240 hours shall have that leave converted to sick leave.

Annual leave should be requested within a time frame which allows for coverage to be arranged for the absent employee's work area. An  must be completed electronically and submitted through the appropriate supervisory channels. For additional information about faculty leave requests also see Faculty Academic Release Time in the Employment and Contracts section.

Upon termination of employment, an employee will be paid for any accumulated annual leave not to exceed 240 hours. Lump sum payment for annual leave will be made on the following monthly payroll. Lump sum payments for annual leave are made only at the time of employment termination.

Terminating employees requesting transfer of any remaining accumulated leave must receive approval from the qualifying agency.

Annual leave may be applied to the extension of sick leave if an employee has expended all earned sick leave. From the date of an employee's resignation to the date of separation, an employee may be ineligible to use annual leave unless approved by the President.

 Full-time employees earn annual leave if they are working or on paid leave for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays in any month. The annual leave rate is based on the length of aggregate state service. Regular contract employees working fewer than full-time hours earn annual leave on a prorated basis. 

Child Involvement Leave

麻豆影视 provides child involvement leave in an effort to promote employees鈥 involvement in youth education and support to schools. For additional information view the Child Involvement Leave policy and procedure.

Civil Leave

The State Board of Community Colleges (SBCC) allows each college鈥檚 board of trustees to establish policies and procedures related to civil leave. 麻豆影视 understands and supports employees鈥 responsibility and right to fulfill their civic duty. For additional information review the Civil Leave policy and procedure.

Educational Leave

Educational leave at an institution of higher education for study in a related field is a privilege which the President may grant to a full-time employee on a regular contract. The employee must request leave from the President through standard supervisory channels.

Full-Time Educational Leave With Pay

Full-time educational leave with pay will be granted at the convenience of the college and for the primary benefit of the college. For additional information review the Full-Time Educational Leave with Pay policy.

Part-Time Educational Leave With Pay

麻豆影视 provides the opportunity to all full-time (40 hours per week) employees to request part-time educational leave with pay. For additional information review the Part-Time Educational Leave with Pay policy.

Full-Time Educational Leave Without Pay

麻豆影视 provides the opportunity to all full time (40 hours per week) employees to request full-time educational leave without pay. For additional information review the Full Time Educational Leave without Pay policy.

Professional Leave

Professional leave with pay for employees to refresh or upgrade their professional skills and/or to enhance related professional skills. This leave will be granted at the convenience of the college and for the primary benefit of the college. It may consist of full-time or part-time participation in one or more of the following activities:

Professional leave with pay will be granted at the convenience of the college and for the primary benefit of the college.

Professional leave with pay may consist of full-time or part-time participation in one or more of the following activities:

  • Return-to-Industry Leave: An employee may be assigned to work or to carry out predetermined objectives in a business or industry related to their regular work assignment;
  • Clinical Leave: An employee may be assigned to an affiliated clinical facility;
  • Specialized Leave: An employee may attend a specialized school, workshop, seminar, or may participate in a specialized activity or project that is directly related to their assigned area(s) of responsibility; or
  • Occupational Exchange: An employee may be "exchanged" for an employee from another college, business, industry, governmental agency, clinical location, or other hosting entity.

An employee is eligible for professional leave with pay if the following criteria are met:

  • The employee is currently employed full time;
  • The professional leave activities are directly related to improving the competencies of the employee in performing assigned duties and are reflected in the employee's current Performance Review and Evaluation Development Plan or Professional Development Objectives;
  • The employee signs an addendum to their employment contract with 麻豆影视nical Community College, agreeing to return to employment with the college for the academic year immediately following the completion of the professional leave; and
  • The employee has been employed full time by 麻豆影视nical Community College for a minimum of three consecutive years prior to the full-time professional leave request being submitted.

A written request for professional leave must be submitted and approved through standard supervisory channels and the President using the Educational/Professional Leave Request form (available from Human Resources). Educational/Professional Leave Request forms submitted to supervisors and to the President for considering approval and/or submitted to the Business Office after the professional leave has begun or has been completed will be automatically declined for payment of the employee鈥檚 contract. Any unapproved professional leave taken will be considered as leave without pay, and the employee must reimburse the college for any associated expenses the college has paid.

An employee who fails to honor any contract then in existence with 麻豆影视nical Community College or who fails to execute a regular contract of employment for the academic year immediately following the completion of the professional leave shall be required to repay the salary paid during the term of the professional leave. Should the employee fulfill a portion of the contract of employment for the next academic year but fail to remain employed at the college for the entire employment term or fail to complete any other required conditions, the employee shall refund a prorated portion of the salary paid during the term of the professional leave.

An employee who has received professional leave with pay must be employed full time by the college for an additional three consecutive years before becoming eligible for professional leave again.

During professional leave with pay, the employee will be continued as a regular full-time employee of the college and, thus, be eligible for all employee benefits and compensations.

During professional leave with pay, the college employee shall receive no compensation (monetary or otherwise) from the affiliating business, industry, governmental agency, clinical location, or other entity hosting the professional leave. Any compensation for services the employee provides to the outside agency shall accrue directly to 麻豆影视nical Community College and not to the employee.

Preliminary requests for professional leave with pay should be discussed with and approved by the immediate supervisor, department head, and division head prior to developing any agreement with the authorized representative of the hosting entity and prior to the employee requesting the President鈥檚 approval.

The written request for professional leave with pay, submitted through standard supervisory channels to the President for approval using the Educational/Professional Leave Request form, must include the following:

  • The amount of desired professional leave. If the request is for full-time professional leave, the maximum amount is not to exceed 60 work days;
  • The nature of the desired professional leave;
  • A list of objectives to be accomplished during the professional leave;
  • A statement of perceived benefit to the employee and to the college;
  • The cost to replace the employee if part-time assistance is required or an explanation of the impact on the college if replacement is by an existing employee;
  • A monitoring procedure to be used while the professional leave is in progress; and
  • A statement from an authorized representative of the hosting entity acknowledging the professional leave and agreeing to host the college employee.

A report detailing the employee鈥檚 accomplished objectives and learned skills must be submitted through standard supervisory channels to the President within 30 days following the end of the professional leave with pay. The report must include written verification by an official of the affiliated organization concerning time spent and duties performed during professional leave and noting any certificates, grade reports, transcripts, or evaluations received during the professional leave.

Family and Medical Leave

麻豆影视 supports the federal that allows employees to balance work and family by taking reasonable unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons. For additional information review the Family and Medical Leave policy and procedure.

Bereavement Leave

The State Board of Community Colleges (SBCC) allows each college鈥檚 board of trustees to establish policies and procedures related to benefits such as funeral leave. 麻豆影视 provides all eligible full-time employees with paid funeral leave. For additional information review the Bereavement Leave policy.

Inclement Weather and Employee Leave

An employee will not be required to take annual leave to account for the time he or she would have worked when the college is closed. In the event that an employee had pre-planned to take a sick or vacation day on a day the college closed for inclement weather, the employee will not be charged leave time for the time that the college was closed.

If the college opens for a partial day and an employee does not work that day they must submit a leave form for the time that the college is open.

Leave without Pay

Under certain circumstances, employees may request leave without pay. These circumstances include leave required when both earned sick leave and earned annual leave have been exhausted. An employee must contact their Supervisor to request leave without pay. An employee requesting leave without pay should contact the Business Office to determine if there is any impact upon their monthly benefits.

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is available to 麻豆影视 employees through the Family and Medical Leave Act. More information can be found in the Family and Medical Leave policy.

Military Leave

Military leave is a uniform state policy and is granted to members of reserve components of the US Armed Forces for active duty training and state military duty. For more information review the Military Leave policy.

Sick Leave

Sick leave is granted to eligible full-time employees to cover loss of time incurred through their own illness or injury, medical and dental appointments, quarantines due to a contagious disease, and temporary disability related to childbearing. Sick leave can also be used for illness of a member of the immediate family. The immediate family is defined as spouse, parents, and children, including step-relationships and dependents living in the employee鈥檚 household. Part-time hourly contracts do not earn paid sick leave, however, employees who work 30 or more hours per week are eligible for leave on a prorated basis.

Eligible employees earn sick leave if they are working or are on paid leave for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays in any month. Regular contract employees working less than full time earn sick leave on a prorated basis. Sick leave for persons employed less than full time (40 hours) is computed on a percentage of the total amount earned by the full-time employee.

Employees earn 480 minutes or 8 hours of sick leave for each month of employment. Sick leave must be taken and reported in hourly increments.

For more information review the Sick Leave policy.

Temporary Leave for College-Related Travel

Temporary leave may be authorized when the employee is temporarily away from their normal workstation attending college-related activities such as conferences, conventions, workshops, and seminars.

Employees should complete the Request for Travel form (available from the Business Office) whether requesting reimbursement for travel or not. The request must be approved by the employee鈥檚 immediate Supervisor and Division Head prior to the employee taking leave.

Time-Off Plan for Overtime Compensation

requires state and local government agencies to compensate eligible employees for overtime hours worked. The FLSA allows the use of compensatory time-off in place of overtime pay. 麻豆影视 will offer non-exempt employees at the college compensatory time at the rate of one and half times for every hour worked over 40 hours in a scheduled work week. For additional information review the Compensatory Time Off policy.

Voluntary Shared Leave

The NC General Assembly has enacted legislation permitting community college employees to share paid leave with their colleagues and with employees of state agencies. The intent of this legislation is to allow one state employee to assist another state employee in the case of a prolonged medical or family medical condition that results in exhaustion of all paid leave.

麻豆影视鈥檚) voluntary shared leave program allows employees to donate leave to employees who have been approved to receive leave through the program due to a medical condition or required quarantine during a communicable disease emergency.

Employees in need of additional leave may apply or be nominated to receive shared leave. Shared leave may be used when a medical condition is affecting the employee or a family member, or when the employee is required to quarantine.

For additional information review the Voluntary Shared Leave procedure.

Employment and Contracts

Job Vacancies

Vacancies are determined by new position allotments; position openings due to retirements, resignations, or terminations; reclassifications of positions; and addition of special responsibilities. For more information, see the Recruiting and Hiring Employees procedure.


All persons who wish to be considered for employment, promotion, or transfer must complete an online application. Applications are accepted only for currently advertised positions. Assistance with the online application is available in Human Resources and Talent Management if an accommodation is requested.

Employment Preference for Veterans and Spouses or Surviving Spouses


In appreciation for their service to this state and this country during a period of war, and in recognition of the time and advantage lost toward the pursuit of a civilian career, veterans shall be granted preference in employment with every State of North Carolina department, agency, and institution.


Veteran means a person who served in the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, for reasons other than training, and has been discharged under other than dishonorable conditions.

Eligible veteran means:

  • A veteran who served during a period of war; or
  • The spouse of a disabled veteran; or
  • The surviving spouse or dependent of a veteran who dies on active duty during a period of war either directly or indirectly as the result of such service; or
  • A veteran who suffered a disabling injury for service-related reasons during peacetime; or
  • The surviving spouse or dependent of a person who served in the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, for reasons other than training, who dies for service-related reasons during peacetime.

When evaluating two or more candidates for employment whose academic preparation, technical qualifications, and/or pertinent professional expertise are substantially equal, the college will give preference to 鈥渆ligible veterans鈥 who are citizens of the State of North Carolina and who served the state or the United States honorably in either the army, navy, marine corps, nurses鈥 corps, air corps, air force, coast guard, or any of the armed services during a period of war.

Faculty Employment

Full time faculty members may be employed in either a 9-month, 10.5-month, or 12-month employment period.

Faculty members may also be offered supplemental contracts for summer employment based on instructional demand, other college needs, and availability of funds. Hourly supplemental contract pay rates are calculated by dividing the base salary by the number of hours worked during their employment period. For example, a 9-month faculty member would divide their annual salary by 1560 to determine an hourly pay rate.

Faculty Contract Policy

The following information explains and details the contract policy and a summary of contractual expectations pertaining to faculty employment at 麻豆影视.


All faculty members are employed on nine-month base contracts. Faculty members may be offered supplemental contracts for summer employment based on instructional demand, other college needs, and availability of funds. Hourly supplemental contract pay rates are calculated by dividing the base salary by 41 (for the number of weeks in the nine-month period) and further dividing by 40 (for the number of hours in a typical work week). Faculty members employed on or before January 31, 2002, and whose former contract status enabled them to accrue sick leave and annual leave during the summer shall continue to accrue and use these benefits while employed under full-time (40-hour per week) supplemental summer contracts. Faculty members employed after January 31, 2002, and teaching on summer supplemental contracts can neither accrue nor use annual or sick leave during the summer.


In 2001, the N.C. General Assembly enacted legislation that required community colleges to 鈥渃onvert all faculty contracts to nine-month contracts covering the fall and spring semesters.鈥 This legislation further stipulated that faculty members who are employed for more than nine months 鈥渟hall be placed on supplemental contracts for the summer term鈥 (Section 30.6 of Ratified 2001-2003 Budget Bill, introduced as S1005). In addition, prior to 2001, 麻豆影视nical Community College faculty members were either employed on 11 陆-month contracts or 9 陆-month contracts. Faculty members employed on 11 陆-month contracts both accrued and were permitted to use sick leave and vacation leave during the summer term. Further, some faculty members employed under 9 陆-month base contracts were also employed during the summer under supplemental contracts that ranged from 10 hours to 40 hours per week. These individuals neither accrued nor used earned (annual) leave during the summer. In addition, all full-time college employees were required to expend annual leave during the winter break at the end of December when the college was closed. Particularly for newly employed faculty members, the practice of charging leave during the winter break was problematic because it left individuals with negative leave balances. In some cases, individuals were asked to repay negative leave balances at the conclusion of the contract year based on findings from the State Auditor. Therefore, the Board of Trustees adopted the following policy so that the college would be in compliance with the Special Provision noted above and to provide an alternative to the charging of leave during a period the college is closed for business.


Effective July 1, 2002, all faculty members will be employed under a base contract that coincides with the fall and spring semesters of the academic calendar. The Board of Trustees adopts the annual academic calendar after the specific contract dates are determined. Faculty members will accrue sick leave and annual leave during the term of the base contract. Faculty will not be required to expend annual leave during the winter holiday break (which is defined in the academic calendar and typically falls at the end of December).

In addition, the college may extend an offer for supplemental summer employment to any faculty member, based upon the needs of the institution (as determined by the President or his/her designee). Summer supplemental contracts may be for any time period but shall not exceed 40 hours per week. Compensation for supplemental summer contracts shall be prorated from the salary in the base contract in effect at the start of the summer term. Salary increases typically will go into effect at the start of the base contract. Faculty members will neither accrue nor use sick leave or annual leave while employed under supplemental contracts.

Any faculty member employed on or before January 31, 2002, and whose former contract status enabled them to accrue sick leave and annual leave during the summer shall continue to accrue and use these benefits while employed under full-time (40-hours-per-week) supplemental summer contracts. Should a faculty member covered by this exception resign, retire, or otherwise be separated from employment with the college, this exception shall not apply to any subsequent term of employment.

Faculty Overload Contracts

Faculty and staff members may be employed in overload contracts to teach if the course they teach does not interfere with their ability to fully carry out their regular responsibilities.

An instructor may receive an overload contract when they are teaching more than 21 contact hours per week as part of the regular teaching load and when their annual average teaching load exceeds 18 credit hours or 21 contact hours per week. A program director may receive an overload contract to teach a full course when they are teaching 15 or more contact hours per week as part of the regular teaching load and when the annual average teaching load meets or exceeds 12 credit hours or 15 contact hours per week. A dean may receive an overload contract to teach a full class when they are teaching eight or more contact hours per week. This would also apply to anyone working above a normally scheduled work week of 30 or more hours.

Program directors who wish to employ a full-time employee in an overload contract will need to submit an Overload Request Form. The form will need to be completed in its entirety including the courses being taught during the semester (if any), overload courses being taught for the requesting department (plus rate of pay and budget code), overload courses (if any) being taught for other departments, office hours and other duties schedule, justification for the request, and signatures for all necessary parties. Incomplete forms will be returned and will delay processing. Overload contracts are submitted by the supervisor (Program Director) and are approved by the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer; the Director, Human Resources; and the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer based upon the endorsement of the employee's supervisor, employee鈥檚 department head, employee鈥檚 division head, and the hiring supervisor鈥檚 division head. Once Human Resources and Talent Management receives an overload contract request form, a copy will be emailed to all signed parties for contract creation and record-keeping purposes.

When requesting or endorsing an overload contract for any employee, the employee's supervisor should carefully consider whether the overload assignment will impair the employee's ability to carry out their regular responsibilities. For faculty members, this means not only the regularly contracted teaching assignment but also any other tasks or duties assigned to that individual. Faculty members who have approved reductions in teaching responsibilities to carry out special assignments may not be employed under overload contracts. Overload contracts will not be issued for portions of a class. (For example, if an instructor's contractual teaching load is 15 credit hours and he/she is assigned four classes of four contact hours each to meet that load, the faculty member is not eligible for a one-hour overload contract.) Employees assigned to complete a class begun by another instructor may be eligible for an overload contract.

If an employee is offered an overload contract outside the primary work assignment area, the requesting program director must obtain the prior endorsement of the employee's supervisor before requesting an overload contract. If an employee has more than one work assignment as indicated on the college's Staffing Chart, the primary assignment is the position on the Staffing Chart where the employee's name does not appear with an asterisk (*).

Requests for overload contracts must be submitted for approval sufficiently prior to the beginning of class to provide an opportunity to make another assignment should the request be denied. Overload contracts should not be prepared until the program director receives a copy of the overload request with all required signatures. 

Criteria for Creating an Overload Contract
  • When there is an emergency situation (e.g., another instructor is leaving the college or has become too ill to teach), full-time employees can take on last minute or mid-semester additions more easily than part-time instructors. Overloads should be considered if the faculty member is already teaching the maximum number of credit hours (18) or contact hours (21).
  • When a supervisor for a non-credit course has a need to hire part-time college employees to teach Customized Training programs, based on the capacity-building directive from the NCCCS Office for Continuing Education, Corporate Education, and Public Safety Services program directors are encouraged to hire current college employees.
  • In a situation when a class requires specialized training to be taught or when hiring managers cannot recruit specialized adjunct faculty, hiring full-time employees with the necessary specialized credentials may be warranted.

  • On the occasion when a class is particularly difficult to staff due to scheduling needs, hiring full-time faculty or staff may be the best way to fill the need. For example, a part-time instructor is unlikely to be willing to come to campus (or to one of our off-campus sites) in order to incorporate a one-hour class into his/her regular off-campus job work schedule (i.e. Career and College Promise).

  • When classes are added to accommodate high enrollment at the last minute, this may make it difficult to find an adjunct instructor to teach them so an overload contract may be necessary.

  • When specialized courses require knowledge of the college鈥檚 policies and procedures in addition to course content, an overload contract may be necessary. For example, instruction at an off-campus sites like Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

Process/Procedure for Administering Overload Contracts
  • Supervisors will require instructors on overload contracts to take annual leave when they miss departmental meetings, advising commitments, and other regular duties as assigned (possibly for other reasons than teaching).
  • The number of classes an instructor is teaching as a part of their regular load as well as the number of students in each course will be taken into consideration when approving an instructor for an overload.
  • Instructors must receive permission for one overload assignment before processing a second overload assignment. Likewise, instructors must list on the Overload Request Form, courses in the regular load as well as the courses on the overload.
  • A new overload contract request form will need to be completed for each semester. Select the most current form on file.

Faculty Academic Release Time

Faculty members may request and obtain temporary release from some portion of their contractual teaching obligation to carry out other necessary projects or tasks. The term 鈥渞elease time鈥 refers to the release from instructional duties or from actual contact hours of instruction which are normally required of a full-time faculty member (including program directors and department heads) in carrying out their full load of contracted responsibilities. Release time is not considered as 鈥渓eave鈥 and should not be confused with professional or educational leave which are described in the Full-Time Educational Leave with Pay policy or with professional development/return to industry requests authorized by the Professional Development Committee.

Release time may be granted for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Development and implementation of new projects or instructional offerings, including new curriculum programs, new or restructured offerings within existing programs, non-credit courses, or non-traditional offerings.
  • Revision of existing curricula or courses as a result of formal recommendations from program review, advisory committees, competency-based education (CBE) review, program accrediting agencies/state licensure boards or regional accreditation bodies.
  • Other initiatives of strategic emphasis to the college.

A written proposal for release time must be submitted to the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer for approval on the Faculty Release Time Request form. This form will be initiated and prepared by the instructor following consultation with the program director or discipline chair and dean. Requests for curriculum revisions should be developed with input from the Director, Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Compliance.

This proposal should include the following information:

  • Hours per week release time requested.
  • Description of and objectives for the activity.
  • Rationale or justification of the proposed activity and a statement of relevance to the goals and objectives of the college, division, department or program.
  • Estimated cost to replace the faculty member if additional part-time help is required, or the impact on the program if the replacement is by existing full-time faculty.
  • Anticipated result of the activity.

The program director will be responsible for evaluating the proposed activity. The program director will state on the form how he or she will evaluate the activity. These forms should be submitted to the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer at least one semester prior to the start of the relevant semester.

Periodic meetings between the faculty member, supervisor, and (when appropriate) director of Curriculum Development, should be held to review progress and to evaluate the activity. Upon completion of the release time and associated project, the faculty member will submit the results of the accomplished objectives and supporting documentation to the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer. Supporting documentation (including course outlines, instructional packets, or plans of study) may also be submitted to the Director, Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Compliance.

Credentials Verification and Documentation

To ensure that employees are qualified to perform their job functions, 麻豆影视 requires that all appropriate credentials be verified within the first 60 days of employment for full-time employees, and within the first 30 days of employment for part-time employees. A Required Credentials form (found in the Human Resources folder on the employee shared drive) will need to be completed.

Existing employees who are promoted or transferred to a different role will require a new Required Credentials form. Any credentials being requested will be noted on the current credentials file, and the employee will be contacted if any credentials are needed. Employees will have 60 days from their start date in their new role to submit requested credentials.

Failure to provide satisfactory verification of education and experience claimed on the application can result in the following: extending the probationary period, reducing the salary to the level for which official verification has been provided, or initiation of termination of employment immediately or upon expiration of the probationary period.

View the Employee Credentialing procedure for more information.

Justification for Employment

Consistent with the Principles of Accreditation of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC), 麻豆影视 employs competent employees qualified to accomplish the institution's mission and goals. In determining faculty qualifications, the institution gives primary consideration to the individual's highest earned degree in the discipline but also may consider such factors as undergraduate and graduate coursework or degrees, related work experience, professional licensure or certification, honors and awards, documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies or achievements. In cases where factors other than the individual's highest earned degree are considered, the prior written approval of the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer is required. This approval is then forwarded to Human Resources and Talent Management and included in the employee's personnel file.

Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)

Persons considered for employment or promotion are selected on the basis of training, experience, and other characteristics which best suit the individual to the job and best meet the needs of the college.

When employing relatives of college employees, the college will not hire, promote, or transfer an individual to occupy a position that has influence over an immediate family member鈥檚 employment, promotion, salary administration, or other related management or personnel considerations. Immediate family members include wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, step-relations, half-relations, in-law relations, guardian, or ward.

View the Employment of Relatives/Nepotism policy for more information.

Secondary Employment

Secondary employment is defined as compensated work performed for an employer other than 麻豆影视. It includes self-employment as well as work performed as an employee or as an independent contractor. It does not include unpaid volunteer efforts or other activities that do not result in direct or indirect benefit to the employee.

View the Secondary Employment policy and procedure for more information.


Earned academic degrees, specific professional or technical credentials, full-time related work experience, and specific job responsibilities are factors considered in determining the beginning annual salary of new regular contract employees. Available financial resources, position allocation values in the college鈥檚 annual appropriation of state funds, and prevailing wages for certain occupational categories in the Triangle employment market are additional factors considered when determining starting salaries. The President makes the final determination for all salaries.

Once a beginning salary has been established, the employee may expect their salary to remain the same during the first year of employment. Adjustments to salary may be made in the following circumstances:

  • The employee fails to provide complete verification of either stated or required education and experience;
  • The employee assumes responsibilities above and beyond their regular job responsibilities or relinquishes additional responsibilities;
  • The employee receives a promotion by moving from one position to another position with new responsibilities and a new job title; or
  • State funds decrease.

Special teaching or non-teaching assignments for additional compensation may be requested for full-time employees assuming new or additional responsibilities. The Senior Vice President/Chief Instructional Officer and/or appropriate Division Head must endorse or approve the request. The request must then be authorized by the President. An Overload Contract form will need to be completed.

After the initial salary has been determined, subsequent annual increases are based on the salary increase funds appropriated by the NC General Assembly. Salary increases may also be granted if an employee is promoted or assumes certain additional responsibilities.

Part Time Employment Contracts

麻豆影视 employs part-time personnel based on the College's needs for instruction and non-instructional support.

Contract for hourly part-time employees for personnel hired to teach a particular course or to perform a specific job on a temporary basis who are paid only for the number of hours worked. Follow the Part Time Hiring Process (found in the Human Resources folder/Forms for Current Employees, on the employee shared drive) for next steps.

Contract Limitation for Hourly Part-Time Employees

Hourly Part-Time Employee Contract Limitation Policy

State and federal laws draw important distinctions for employees based on the number of hours they work per week and the number of hours they work per year. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the college complies with both the letter and the spirit of applicable state and federal employment laws by clearly limiting the number of hours and the duration of hourly part-time contracts.


The College and its contract administrators limit employment of hourly part-time personnel to a maximum of 25 hours per week and a total of no more than 1200 hours worked in any given 12-month period. Employment hours are calculated based on the dates of employment reflected in the employee contract and as verified by the Supervisor. For instructional personnel, the maximum duration of the hourly part-time contract is for a semester or term of instruction. For non-instructional personnel, the maximum duration of the part-time hourly contract is for a six-month period. Additional part-time hourly contracts may be issued as needed but are not implied in the terms of any contract.


An hourly part-time contract is an employment contract issued to an employee to carry out a specific job for a specific hourly rate for a specified number of hours and length of time. Terms and conditions may vary with the job.


Employees hired under an hourly part-time contract are paid only for the hours as specified on the contract and as actually worked and then verified by the Supervisor on a part-time employee time report. Hourly part-time employees are not eligible for paid leave or benefits. The hourly part-time employee鈥檚 Supervisor initiates the contract according to approved college processes and contract terms. Applications and appropriate documentation must be on file for hourly part-time employees.

Compensation for Part-Time Faculty

Compensation rates for curriculum instructors employed under part-time contracts are established under rules set forth by the State Board of Community Colleges. These rates are based on the instructor's level of academic preparation and are derived from the minimum salaries to be paid to full-time instructors as stipulated by the N.C. General Assembly. The part-time pay rates for curriculum instructors are established to provide some compensation for the necessary work part-time instructors do outside the classroom (such as grading assignments and conferring with students). A current schedule of part-time pay rates for curriculum instructors is available and maintained in the office of the Chief Instructional Officer.

Employment for Grant-Funded Positions

To ensure that employees are aware their position is paid through special funds or grant funds, the position posting in People Admin will identify that the position is grant funded. The search chair on the search committee should explain to the applicant鈥檚 the circumstances as it relates to the positions funding.

Grievance Procedure

If a disagreement arises between an employee and another employee, a supervisor, or the College, a formal procedure is provided for the resolution of formal grievances. This procedure is to be followed in any situation in which an employee believes that they have been treated unjustly or in a discriminatory manner. The grievance procedure is detailed in the Conflict Resolution and Grievance policy.

Orientation of New Employees

Human Resources and Talent Management staff contact new employees prior to their start date for employment or on their first day of employment to schedule an orientation. This orientation is usually held within the first week of employment. During orientation, the full benefits package is explained and new employees are told how to access the Employee Handbook and the Employee Benefits Brochure.

Probationary Period

All new full-time employees, first-time hired or rehired after an absence of more than three consecutive calendar months, are employed with a probationary period of a minimum of three months. During this probationary period, Supervisors must evaluate the new employee鈥檚 performance monthly for a total of three times using the Probationary Evaluation Form provided on the Supervisor Checklist given to the supervisor by Human Resources. The checklist is forwarded from Human Resources and Talent Management to the Supervisor and Employee as part of the 鈥淲elcome Letter.鈥 Faculty members probationary periods include the length of their first semester of employment and completion of duties related to ending the semester and submitting grade reports. During the first 60 days of the probationary period for full-time employees and during the first 30 days of the probationary period for part-time employees, the new employee must provide Human Resources and Talent Management with official documentation to verify education and experience that were important in his/her employment decision. The required credentials and their due dates become a special condition of the employee's completion of the probationary period of employment.

The Supervisor completes the new employee's final evaluation prior to the expiration of the new employee's probationary period, this will then be forwarded through the supervisory chain to Human Resources. Attached to the final evaluation will be the three probationary evaluation forms. If the probationary period needs to be extended or a recommendation of termination is requested, the supervisor will need to send a memo to the Director, Human Resources and Talent Management explaining the reason for the request along with supporting documentation. The Director will then forward the request onto the President once they have evaluated the documentation.

f the employee does not successfully complete their probationary period, the employee will be notified by certified letter at least 10 days prior to expiration of the probationary period. New employees have no right to an appeal if continued employment is not offered at the end of their probationary period.

Promotion and Transfer

麻豆影视 recognizes the need for employees to reach their individual career potential. The College鈥檚 established promotion and transfer procedure, which is detailed here, provides an avenue for employee advancement within the institution.

The Human Resources and Talent Management posts internal vacancies. Qualified current employees may apply for internal job openings as positions become available. For positions posted internally, current employees and individuals employed by the college within the past three months may apply. Employees desiring to apply for internal promotion or transfer should complete an online .

Employees may receive promotions in one of the following ways:

  • Reclassification of a position (i.e., accounting technician to accountant, junior programmer to programmer);
  • Assignment of special responsibilities (i.e., program director, associate or assistant dean); or
  • Appointment or transfer to a higher-level position with expanded job responsibilities and a different job title.

Recommendations for promotion are initiated by the employee鈥檚 immediate supervisor and must be endorsed by the division head, vice president, and with final approval by the President. 

An employee may be transferred from one department to another without going through the normal transfer or promotion process when the administration considers the move to be in the best interest of the college and/or the employee. An employee may be reassigned to another area, given additional duties or responsibilities, or have duties or responsibilities reassigned.

Employees usually considered ineligible for promotions and transfers include those with less than three months of full-time continuous service at 麻豆影视 and an employee whose conduct and performance are unacceptable in their current position and are in an active performance management process.

Background checks will be conducted on all new hire employees and those employees receiving a promotion and/or transfer less than a year since their last background check was completed.

Reduction in Force Policy

麻豆影视 strives to provide a secure and stable work environment. In certain circumstances, a reduction in force may be necessary due to budget constraints, program changes, reorganization, and other operational demands. For more information, consult the Reduction in Force (RIF) policy.

Retirement and Resignation

Retirement, Spouses, and Medicare

Full-time employees working 30 hours or more per week automatically become members of the Teachers鈥 and State Employees鈥 Retirement System, and six percent is deducted monthly from all wages earned to contribute to this retirement benefit. The state contributes a percentage of all wages paid as the employer鈥檚 contribution to the employee鈥檚 retirement account.

As of July 1, 1982, employees鈥 contributions were placed into a State employee tax-sheltered annuity account. These contributions are deferred from State and Federal income taxes until the employee retires or withdraws the funds.

Employees become vested in TSERS (Teachers鈥 and State Employees Retirement System) once they have completed a minimum of five years of membership service. Employees are eligible to apply for lifetime monthly retirement benefits based on the retirement formula in effect at the time of their retirement and the age and service requirements completed, provided they do not withdraw their contributions.

At retirement, employees must elect one of the payment options. On average, the payment options are equivalent to one another. Each option is calculated so that its total value is the same as the value of the other options if the employee and the named beneficiary (if any) live their expected life spans. The monthly payments will differ based on the age of the selected beneficiary (if any).

Employees may be eligible for State Health Plan coverage under the Retirement Systems. The cost, if any, is determined by two factors:

  1. When state employment was begun, and
  2. Which health plan is selected.

In all cases, if employees choose coverage for their dependents, they must pay the full cost of the dependent coverage. Coverage begins on the first day of the month following the effective date of retirement. When employees (or their covered dependents) become eligible for Medicare, they must elect both Parts A (Hospital) and B (Medical) in order to maintain the same level of coverage received before retirement.

Note: First time TSERS members hired on or after January 1, 2021, will not be eligible to receive retiree medical benefits.

Employees planning to retire please do the following:

  • Complete Form 6 available on the website (no sooner than 120 days prior to
    retirement date).
  • Meet with Human Resources and Talent Management to discuss next steps in the process.
  • Submit resignation letter addressed to the President no later than 90 days prior to retirement date.
  • Copies of the letter should also go to your immediate and secondary supervisor, and to Human Resources.

View the Retirement Checklist. For additional retirement information, see the Employment and Contracts section for Separation from the College and Re-Employment of Retired Persons.

Retirements and Resignations

Employees wishing to retire or resign should give a 30-day notice to the college. To give this notice, the employee is to write a letter addressed to the President indicating their intention to retire or resign no fewer than 30 days prior to the date of their desired departure and attach it to an email that is sent to the President; Director, Human Resources and Talent Management; Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, the Vice President, Chief Talent and Equity Officer, the appropriate division head, and the immediate supervisor.

The employee obtains an exit checklist from the Human Resources and Talent Management (HRTM) to ensure that all college property has been returned and that the employee has been counseled and cleared in areas regarding retirement, leave, insurance, and related matters. Once supervisors in all required departments have initialed the exit checklist, the Business Office is authorized to release the final paycheck.

HRTM will conduct an exit interview with all full-time employees separating from the college. Exit interviews can be extended to part-time employees if requested. Should the employee not return college property, the college reserves the right to withhold the direct deposit of an employee鈥檚 final paycheck and deduct reasonable costs for unreturned property (including keys) that is documented as being assigned to the employee. During the exit interview, the employee leaving the college should instruct HRTM as to their preferences regarding releasing information not already a matter of public record.

Due Process

麻豆影视 sets forth fair, reasonable, and equitable processes to address concerns related to individual employee performance, behavior, and/or violations of College policies, procedures, or standards of professional conduct.

The College provides supervisors and employees a fair, clear, and useful tool for correcting and improving performance issues, including a process to assist supervisors in handling cases of unacceptable personal conduct. Any disciplinary action taken in accordance with College policy must be for just cause under at least one of the two following bases: (1) discipline imposed based on unsatisfactory job performance including gross inefficiency, or (2) discipline imposed based on unacceptable personal conduct.

For more information view the Disciplinary Actions, Suspension, and Termination of Employment policy.

Employee Grievance Procedure

The provisions of the Disciplinary Actions, Suspension, and Termination of Employment policy and the Employee Conflict Resolution and Grievance procedure apply to any person hired by 麻豆影视nical Community College. All terms and conditions for part-time employment are included in the contract for part-time employees, and the specified length of part-time employment constitutes full and timely notice of the non-tendering of a new contract when that employment term expires. The tendering of a new contract for part-time employees will be the only instance where personnel employed under a contract may expect subsequent part-time employment.

Computer Software and Hardware

Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for cataloging all software and software licenses for software not pre-installed on all college owned devices. To ensure that all software is installed legally, ITS receives and stores all original and backup copies of all software installed on devices owned by the college. ITS is also responsible for tracking software that is signed out for installation by the user.

Most software, including free downloads, has a license agreement associated with them. All software installed on college-owned equipment must adhere to the software license agreement. Some software can only be installed on one device, while other software can be installed multiple times. All license restrictions, such as academic or research use only, must also be followed.
All contracts/agreements must be reviewed by Campus Operations/ITS and the Business Office before they are signed. A minimum of four weeks lead time is required in case there are any provisions that need to be removed or renegotiated to avoid unnecessary risks to 麻豆影视.
Campus Operations/ITS will work with legal to streamline the procurement process. Potential vendors must submit a copy of the agreement, yearly cost to the college/department, term of contract, summary of services, Higher Education Cloud Vendor Assessment Tool (HECVAT) and any deadlines or special provisions that affect the contract. 

Authorization to Install Software

麻豆影视 is committed to following all aspects outlined by End User License Agreements, more commonly referred to as EULA鈥檚, will be followed. Individuals are not to install personal hardware or software (software not owned by the college) on 麻豆影视 computers without written consent from either the Executive Director for ITS or the VP of Campus Operations, CCOO, before the software can be installed. In addition, it is understood that:

  • By installing personal hardware or software, the employee has agreed to donate the hardware or software to the college, document in writing that the software is not loaded on other machines, and that they release any future claims to the hardware or software; or
  • Employees must show evidence that the license agreement allows the software to be loaded on machines both at work and at home as long as only one machine accesses the software at one time. Shareware and demonstration software may be loaded on computers for no longer than a four-week evaluation period. All software must be registered in writing with ITS before a technician can work on a machine containing the software.
  • Software installations in instructional labs are the sole responsibility of ITS. Requests for an instructional lab installation should be forwarded by an instructor to their program director who will forward it to the Executive Director, Instructional Technology Services where it will be reviewed and, if approved, sent to ITS for installation for the following semester.

Installation Procedures

Before software can be installed on any personal computer at 麻豆影视, the license agreement must be sent to the ITS Department and backup copies of the software must be made. The software is then signed out by the person doing the installation by filling out the Original Software Check-Out form available in the ITS Department. Application software can be installed by the user. Network and operating software should be installed by the ITS Department. To have software installed by the ITS Department, the employee should fill out a Work Order request.

Responsibilities of Program Directors and Other Academic Administrators

Because computer classrooms are increasingly shared by programs, administrators responsible for hiring faculty and technicians who work in the computer classrooms must inform the faculty and staff of the college鈥檚 computer policies and procedures. Once those individuals are properly informed of the policies and procedures, this faculty and staff will be responsible if they violate the policies and procedures.

Transfer of Computer Equipment to New Location

When computer equipment is being moved to a new location or transferred to another department, Facility Services requires that the program administrator complete the Equipment Inventory Record/Adjustment form prior to the move. The purpose of this form is to track inventory location and ownership. Facility Services will also move the equipment but not set it up. If the user is unable to set up the computer equipment and would like ITS to set up this equipment, they should fill out an . The record adjustment form will also indicate whether or not ownership of the software is changing. ITS will adjust their records based on this information.

Donations of Hardware and Software

If hardware or software is donated to 麻豆影视, the person making the donation must fill out the Request to Surplus/Sale Equipment form. Facility Services and the ITS Department are notified of the donation via the Request to Surplus/Sale Equipment form. All software and associated licenses must be sent to the ITS Department to be catalogued before it is installed on any 麻豆影视 machine. Unauthorized software must be removed from the personal computer by the program director. The ITS Department cannot work on equipment or software not owned by 麻豆影视.


Any employee or student of 麻豆影视 who makes, acquires, or uses unauthorized copies of computer software will be subject to disciplinary action. Giving software purchased by the college to any outside third party is also grounds for disciplinary action.

Unauthorized copying or use of computer software is prohibited in the course of employment or instruction. As a result, 麻豆影视 will not provide legal defense for individuals who may be accused of violating the copyright law even if this individual maintains that such action was taken in the course of their employment or their instruction. If 麻豆影视 is sued or fined because of unauthorized copying or use by students, faculty, or staff, it may seek payment from the individuals as well as subject them to disciplinary action that may include dismissal. 

It is the responsibility of any 麻豆影视 employee who is aware of the misuse of software or related documentation at the college to notify his/her supervisor or the Executive Director, Information Technology Services. Additional information is available in the Appropriate Use of Computing Resources policy.

College Facilities

Buildings and Grounds

麻豆影视鈥檚 Facilities are at the following locations: Main Campus, located in southeastern 麻豆影视 with primary access off the Briggs Avenue South exit of the E.L. "Buck" Dean 147 Freeway (East-West Expressway). The Main Campus includes the:

  • Nathaniel B. White Building (Building 1), built in 1961
  • Harold K. Collins Building (Building 2), built in 1969
  • Edward L. Phillips Building (Building 3), built in 1977
  • Newton Industrial and Engineering Technologies Center (Building 4), built in 1976
  • Educational Resources Center (Building 5), built in 1987
  • Building 6, built in 1988 and formerly the Corporate and Continuing Education Center
  • Facility Services Center (Building 7), purchased in 2005 on Lawson Street
  • Building 8, purchased in 1994 and formerly the Basic Skills Center
  • 麻豆影视/GlaxoWellcome Technology Center (Building 9), built in 1998 on Cooper Street
  • The Phail Wynn, Jr. Student Services Center (Building 10), completed in 2006 is the central hub between the Main Campus facilities located on Lawson Street and Cooper Street.
  • 807 Bacon Street (Building 20), purchased in 2001
  • William G. Ingram Center for Applied Learning and Technology (Building 11), completed in 2021

The College鈥檚 Northern 麻豆影视 Center, a two-building facility (both built in 1993), is located on Snowhill Road.

The Small Business and Corporate Education Center is located in leased space in the Chesterfield building in downtown 麻豆影视.

The College leases instructional space in the following locations:

  • Duke Street North began offering classes in February 2018 and is located in 麻豆影视.
  • Beginning in Fall 2019, 麻豆影视 at the American Tobacco Campus in downtown 麻豆影视 provides classes for the Culinary Arts program.
  • Central to everything in the Triangle, Frontier RTP houses the Center for Workforce Engagement and offers classroom space for customized training for growing businesses.

The Orange County Campus (built in 2008) is located in the Waterstone Development outside of Hillsborough.

View maps of the Main Campus and campus locations.Campus Safety and Health

The College has an ongoing commitment to the safety and well-being of its employees, students, and visitors as well as to the preservation of a healthy and safe environment.

Facility Services staff, Campus Police and Public Safety personnel, faculty members, and others play important roles in ensuring that the campus environment is conducive to learning and that the college is in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations related to health and safety. A Health and Safety Advisory Committee also provides input, shares concerns, advises, and makes recommendations in matters and procedures related to providing a healthy and safe college environment and in revising the College鈥檚 Health and Safety Manual and safety programs.

The College is a tobacco-free campus. Eating and drinking are also prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, and meeting rooms. Safety regulations are posted in certain areas, and all employees and students must observe any posted safety regulations. The College鈥檚 Safety Compliance Officer should be contacted about any environmental safety questions or concerns.

Maintenance, Repairs, Painting, and Housekeeping Services

College buildings and grounds are maintained through local county funding and operated following local building and fire codes. Maintenance and housekeeping personnel, working together with faculty, staff, and students, are responsible for maintaining a clean and safe operating environment. Employees must contact the appropriate building coordinator to complete a Facility Services Work Order Request for any needed maintenance, repairs, painting, and housekeeping services in their area or in common areas of the College. Concerns about buildings and grounds should be reported to the Director, Facility Services or the Vice President, Chief Campus Operations Officer.


The Director, Facility Services is responsible for administering and coordinating the state regulations for equipment inventory control. All equipment valued at $1,000 or more is assigned an equipment identification number, tagged, and placed on the equipment inventory record. The college conducts a complete equipment inventory annually. All employees should make every effort to provide adequate security of equipment.

Personal use of state-owned equipment is not authorized. Equipment should not be removed from the campus without written approval from the Division Head and the President. A copy of the written approval is to be forwarded to the Director, Facility Services. This procedure does not apply to those items permanently assigned to off-campus locations.

Equipment Distribution

The Program Director or Department Head may approve the distribution of usable, workable equipment within its program or department without additional approval. If the equipment cannot be used within the program or department, then the Division Head can approve distribution within the division. If the equipment cannot be used within the division, then the President's Leadership Council will determine distribution within the college. In all cases, the Program Director or Department Head who is transferring the equipment must complete a Facility Services Work Order Request. The request should includes the serial number, inventory number, model number, description, previous location, and new location for the equipment being moved. To surplus unusable equipment, this process is followed with the addition of the Program Director or Department Head also approving the request.

College Services


Student supplies and textbooks are sold in the Bookstore, which is a service the College contracts with an outside vendor. Textbooks and special supplies such as drafting tools and kits used in certain programs of study should be ordered through the respective Program Director. Items imprinted with the 麻豆影视 logo are also available for purchase in the Bookstore. Employees receive discounts on supplies, plus gift items and clothes that are imprinted with 麻豆影视. Bookstore hours are posted on the Bookstore webpages. For assistance with specific needs or orders, contact the Bookstore Manager.

Business Office

The Business Office provides financial support services. This department maintains all records related to fiscal and budgetary affairs, including FTE enrollment reports. Specific employee services include preparing and distributing paychecks; providing information about employee benefits; maintaining records on earned leave; purchasing supplies and equipment; and managing photocopying services available in the Copy Center and throughout college.

The Business Office also maintains the . Leave balances can be viewed and leave requests can be made through the online portal.

Police and Public Safety

The Police and Public Safety department provides 24-hour, 7-day-a-week on-site coverage, including dispatch and patrolling of facilities. To report a crime or an emergency, call Police and Public Safety at 911 or ext. 5555 or if the call is being sent from outside the college phone system, call 919-536-7255, extension 5555. When calling Campus Police and Public Safety, employees should identify themselves, the emergency situation, and the specific campus location. Employees calling for emergency medical services should also file an online .

Doors to classrooms and instructional labs containing equipment and/or technology that are on card reader access are opened only when a faculty member, lab monitor, or other college employee is present and shows a valid college identification card.

When the College is closed, any essential employee reporting to campus must sign in with the Campus Police and Public Safety Department Office (or the station at OCC or NDC) at the time of entry and provide a reasonable rationale for the need for campus access. When the work is complete, the employee must sign out with the office and exit from campus.

Center for Academic Excellence

The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) provides students with a variety of opportunities to supplement classroom instruction. Services include on-campus and online tutoring and a computer lab. Instructors may also make Academic Alert referrals for one-on-one tutoring for students in particular English or math courses. The CAE is located in the Phail Wynn, Jr. Student Services Center (Building 10), room 10-308.

Competency-Based Education

In 1982, 麻豆影视 adopted a competency-based education method (CBE). This method describes any format of instruction in which the skills or competencies to be learned are carefully identified using an organized method. These skills reflect those required at job entry level and job mastery requirements clearly stated at the outset of the learning process. Competency is the ability to perform (mastery of) a specific affective, cognitive, or psychomotor skill. A competency, then, is a specific skill to be mastered. The collective competencies for a particular program represent the knowledge and skills required for future academic, technical, or professional skills. Program and course competencies are reviewed for relevancy on a regular basis by advisory committees and program review task forces.

In 2003, 麻豆影视鈥檚 Instructional Services Division developed a Vision Statement for a Learning College. The Vision Statement recognizes the importance of continuing to establish and assess competency development. In addition, the Vision Statement names five attributes that all 麻豆影视 graduates should achieve in the areas of communication, diversity, work skills, critical thinking, and ethical awareness.

The Vision Statement serves as the guiding principle for the formulation and assessment of intended learning outcomes in programs, disciplines, and courses. Intended learning outcomes show the demonstration of the effective integration, application, and transfer of a set of competencies. For example, assessing the ability to perform a specific psychomotor skill could be combined with assessing the student鈥檚 ability to show through written communication an understanding of how that skill fits into the overall scheme of a particular profession or industry The student might also show an understanding of the ethical considerations, diversity issues, and workplace needs associated with performing that task.

Intended learning outcomes are identified at the course level through a list of objectives and competencies. An actual learning outcome is determined by the measurement (as a result of assessment activities) of individual learning as demonstrated by student performance on faculty-designed instruments.

Program level assessment of learning outcomes takes different forms:

  • Some programs such as Business Administration or Accounting require capstone courses to assess student mastery of program competencies.
  • Other programs such as Information Systems Security or Computer Programming include co-op experiences to acquaint students with fieldwork and to document students鈥 skills in a workplace environment.
  • Clinicals in all the health technologies programs provide opportunities to work with professionals, and to test skills and knowledge learned in the classroom in a clinical setting.
  • Assessment portfolios are often used in technical programs, such as Architectural Drafting.

Program assessment is also done by outside accrediting agencies. The list of accredited programs is available on the Accreditation and Approbation webpage.

Further demonstration of the learning of 麻豆影视 program students is available through the state-mandated Performance Measures.

Each program at 麻豆影视 also participates in a program review. Program review allows administration, faculty, and community professionals to carefully examine resources, curriculum, student learning, and evaluation instruments. The program review committee outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the entire program and recommends actions for improvement.

At the department level, administration and faculty participate in institution effectiveness planning. Currently, these plans revolve around ways to improve student learning and are implemented over two-year cycles. The departmental plans seek to develop techniques and strategies that will lead to greater student mastery of program content and skills.

Professional development for faculty and staff provide all Instructional Services faculty and staff opportunities to learn about developing learning outcomes. 麻豆影视 aspires to be a Learning College. Continuous review and revision of learning outcomes is at the heart of the college鈥檚 pursuit of good teaching and learning.

Curriculum Development and Revision

Faculty may contact the Director, Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Compliance for special assistance in using various types of educational development materials. The Curriculum Development personnel work closely with the College's Teaching-Learning Center personnel to provide assistance to faculty in ongoing instructional and curriculum development.

Food and Vending Services

Hot food service is available in the College Caf茅 weekdays on a limited basis depending on the College鈥檚 class schedule. The College Caf茅 is located in the Phail Wynn, Jr. Student Services Center. Vending machines and microwaves are located in student lounges and/or faculty lounges of most buildings on the Main Campus as well as at the Northern 麻豆影视 Center and Orange County Campus. The Vice President, Chief Campus Operations Officer supervises operations and the contracts for vending and food services.

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for the maintenance and operation of computer resources, including email, telephone, campus networking, the academic computer labs, and the administrative computer system.

ITS personnel install and maintain hardware and software for administrative and office functions according to established guidelines. ITS manages all College software to ensure compliance with copyright laws and site license agreements. ITS is also responsible for installing and maintaining the campus network, which at present connects buildings on the Main Campus and satellite locations. Installation, software, and hardware maintenance of all academic computer labs is a high-priority responsibility for ITS staff.

Employees needing ITS services should contact the ITS Help Desk by calling extension 6111 or completing an . Also see the Computer Software and Hardware section of the Employee Handbook and the Appropriate Use of Computing Resources policy.

Email and Network Access

The NC Community College System has adopted Outlook as its email system and Colleague as its networked information data system. To obtain Outlook and network access accounts, employees must first obtain permission for an account from their supervisor by completing the Network User Authorization form and by agreeing to and signing the Appropriate Use of Computing Resources Policy form. These forms, as well as information about computer training workshops, Office 365, Informer, Canvas, and media services, can be found on the ITS department web pages.


The Library is an integral part of academic life at 麻豆影视. A college identification card is required for employees and students to check out library materials. Employees are responsible for obtaining their college identification card from Campus Police and Public Safety.

Employees may request that the library purchase books or other materials. The library staff reviews the requests and orders materials approved for inclusion in the collection. The purchasing process may take up to three months from the date of the request. Periodical subscriptions are usually ordered on an annual basis. When funds are available, allocations are made to programs for the purchase of library materials to support courses.

The college鈥檚 extensive library holdings include books, magazines, journals, newspapers, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks. Most periodicals and many electronic books are now available on databases.

Librarians provide reference assistance for employees and students as well as library instruction for classes.

Audiovisual equipment such as laptops, projectors, CD players, and cameras may be borrowed through the circulation desk at the Main Campus library.

麻豆影视's library participates in an interlibrary loan program with other libraries in the N.C. Community College System. Also, if needed, library staff members can obtain books on interlibrary loan from universities. 麻豆影视 has reciprocal borrowing with other NC community colleges and at NC Central University by presenting a current college identification card.

Branch libraries at the Northern 麻豆影视 Center and Orange County Campus provide services at those locations.

Mail Services

Mail courier services are provided through Facility Services for distribution of 麻豆影视鈥檚 business-related mail. The College mail service is not for personal mail. Mail is picked up and distributed twice daily. Interoffice mail should be addressed to include the individual's name, department, and/or building. All mail sent to the public must be typed, not handwritten. View information about bulk mail, state courier delivery, and large packages. All inquiries regarding mail services should be directed to the Mail Services Technician/ Courier or to the Facility Services Director.

Note that the shipping address for packages sent to the college is 1634 Cooper Street, Bldg. 7, 麻豆影视, NC 27703.

Maintenance, Repairs, Painting, and Housekeeping Services

Facility Services provides maintenance and housekeeping services. Employees must submit an approved Facility Services Work Order Request for any needed maintenance, repairs, painting, and housekeeping services in their area or in common areas of the college.

Marketing and Communications Services

Marketing and Communications staff provide a variety of services for informing the public and promoting the College's instructional offerings and activities. These services include providing public information and responding to media requests for information; serving as the liaison for connecting media with appropriate college personnel as needed and appropriate; serving as a resource for College-sponsored events; preparing text, developing designs, and producing materials for promoting and sharing information about the College with internal and external audiences through a variety of media. Examples include the College website; publications; advertisements for print, radio, digital, and television; designs for producing promotional items and recruitment materials; fliers, banners, and signage; forms for external use; and multi-media presentations. Services are determined and made available based on college priorities as well as personnel and financial resources.

Business cards may be ordered through the department. A list of service requests, descriptions, and links to the online forms are available on the Marketing and Communications Department webpages.

Department staff are also responsible for producing the 麻豆影视 Today e-Newsletter which can be subscribed to from the News webpage.

To promote accuracy, quality, and consistency in college publications and materials, review the editorial style and brand guidelines used by the College.

Photocopying and Printing Services

The Print Shop is located in the White Building and is used for most quick-copying needs. Routine quick-copy jobs may include memoranda, tests, and short handouts (25 pages or less). Copying multiple documents for administrative or instructional purposes should be submitted to the Print Shop. Copy requests are made using a Copy/Print Request form and submitting it with the documents to be copied. Copyrighted materials are handled in compliance with current copyright laws.

Limited-use copy machines are located in all campus buildings. These copiers are also serviced by Xerox. Faculty and staff should consult with staff in the administrative office of a campus building for instructions on using these copy machines. Contact the Business Office about copier concerns.

All copying and printing services are charged back to departmental budgets.

Purchasing and Contracting

The Director, Purchasing is responsible for purchasing and contracting all goods within guidelines issued by the NC Community College System and the State of North Carolina. Requisitions are prepared via the NC@YourService E-procurement System and approved by the respective Department Head.

Equipment items must also be approved by the President or their designee(s). Products or services listed on State Contract must be purchased from the approved vendor. For non-contract items, quotes or bids must be obtained using the appropriate process based on the cost of the item.

The Director, Purchasing offers E-procurement training for employees responsible for or involved in the process of departmental purchasing. 

Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Planning Services

Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Planning (REAP) provides accessible, reliable, and valid data; promotes institutional effectiveness; supports compliance with regional accreditation requirements; supports college-related research, including surveys and focus groups, curriculum and service evaluation, and learning and overall college assessment. REAP also monitors the college鈥檚 compliance with the NCCCS Annual Reporting Plan, as well as IPEDS data submissions. REAP鈥檚 core values are: access, accuracy, accountability, collegiality, integrity, and service.

Institutional Advancement

The purpose of resource development at 麻豆影视 is to provide support for the College Strategic Plan. The Manager, Grants Development works with college faculty and staff to develop proposals for funding. This may include direct student support as well as support of learning activities, instructional resources, equipment, and facilities. Organized efforts to raise private funds from business, industry, individuals, and private foundations are coordinated through the 麻豆影视 Foundation. The 麻豆影视 Foundation also holds a Campus Fund Drive each year to solicit internal support for the College. All campus fundraising activities should be approved by the Vice President, Chief Institutional Advancement Officer.

Travel and College Vehicles

The college owns several vehicles for employees to use in official college business. Please review the details included in the Reserving a Vehicle in Outlook and review the Mileage Reimbursement procedures.

Also see Meals and Lodging Reimbursement information.