Writing Labs

is an online writing lab that has many resources that students and writing centers can access.

Learning to Type

Students have the option to create an account, but can also practice as a guest. The website includes lessons on the keys, including symbols, the spacebar, the "Enter" button, and numbers. It includes timed typings, from beginner level to advanced and gives users the opportunity to retake the lessons to improve their score.

A site similar to Typing Club; however, users are allowed to retake the lessons while completing them.

The website provided lessons in an online class format. The website discusses points of typing such as how to hold your wrists, posture, and finger placement. The website does not allow users to move on to the next lesson until they have mastered the first one and have typed the exercises with no mistakes. The focus of the lessons is on learning accuracy and proper finger placement.

The Broderbund website sells one of the more famous paid typing lesson software, Mavis Beacon. Costs vary by level and educational discount.