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College-Sponsored Events
Number:3.28 |
Procedure Name:College-Sponsored Events |
Sponsor:Tom Jaynes |
Custodian:Campus Operations |
Effective Date:October 27, 2017 |
Next Review Date:2019-2020 |
Location:durhamtech.edu/policies-and-procedures/college-sponsored-events |
Citation:N/A |
Â鶹ӰÊÓnical Community College (Â鶹ӰÊÓ) sponsors events for students, employees, and our community consistent with our mission to champion learning and success, deliver outstanding teaching and service, and develop career skills for today and tomorrow. Student events include graduation and award ceremonies, Spring Fling, Fall Fest, information sessions, recruitment events, and open houses. Employee events include retirement and retiree celebrations, President’s birthday lunches, employee meetings, convocations, and holiday gatherings. Community events include resource development recognitions, art and music events, and lectures. This procedure does not apply to the request or permission of external organization to use college facilities.
College departments or offices should use the following procedures when scheduling, promoting, and organizing any college-sponsored event or activity. Student organizations should consult the Student Activities Procedure Manual for appropriate procedures.
Determining Sponsorship and Point of Contact
An activity designed and intended for students, employees, or the community is considered a College-sponsored event when it is promoted, staffed, and/or funded by a College department, office, or officially recognized student club or organization. As such, the supervisor of the sponsoring department/office or the leadership of the sponsoring student organization must be aware of and approve the activity or event. Each event must have at least one (1) individual identified as its coordinator or point of contact.
Scheduling Events
The College provides a wealth of social events and community activities throughout the year. It is important to ensure that College-sponsored activities are scheduled so they do not compete with other College-sponsored activities for the attendance or attention of a similar audience. Employees responsible for coordinating an activity should check the College’s events calendar or employee events calendar for potential conflicts prior to finalizing event details. When considering start and end times, employees should allow sufficient time between activities for set-up, travel, and room resetting.
If an event must be scheduled at the same time as another College-sponsored event that has the same intended audience (e.g., prospective students, current students, all employees), the employee scheduling the event should consult the coordinator of the competing event as well as support staff required for the event (e.g., Facility Services, Campus Police and Public Safety, Media Services) to ensure that the event can be held with existing support staff and with no negative impact on audience participation. If all agree that there is no conflict and support staff is adequate, the events may be scheduled concurrently.
Posting Events
College-sponsored events must be posted on the College events calendar. Contact the College’s web designer/developer with the event details as soon as the event is planned, but no less than five (5) working days prior to the event.
Room Requests
Departments or offices who wish to use on-campus space for a College-sponsored function should reserve the space using the College’s . When completing a room request, event coordinators must allow for sufficient set up and break down time. A minimum of thirty (30) minutes should be added to the time requested (fifteen [15] minutes before and after the event’s actual start and end times). If the request includes room set-up changes that require assistance from Facility Services, an additional hour must be added before and after the actual event start and end times.
Parking and Room Access
Event attendees who are not current students or employees must obtain a temporary visitor’s permit from the Campus Police and Public Safety office, (Building 8, Main Campus). Visitor permits must be clearly displayed inside the left front windshield of vehicles. Employees coordinating events that require parking for fifty (50) or more attendees and/or who need rooms unlocked for an event should contact the Director/Chief, Campus Police and Public Safety.
Work Orders
If an event requires a room set-up change and/or additional furniture, the event coordinator should submit event details and a room diagram to the event location’s Building Coordinator via email at least seven (7) working days prior to the event. If the set-up of a room is changed, the event coordinator should ensure that the room is reset to its original arrangement (this should be indicated on the work order). Event coordinators should allow one (1) hour between scheduled events so there is sufficient time for resetting the room. Any leftover food/beverage items, supplies, and trash should be removed and disposed of appropriately.
If media services or other technology support is needed, an should be submitted as soon as the event is planned but no later than five (5) working days prior to the event. Event coordinators should allow one (1) hour between scheduled events so there is sufficient time for resetting the room.
Marketing Materials, Photos, and Media Presence
To request marketing or media presence at an event, or to request that the event be photographed, contact the College’s Public Information Officer (PIO) at ext. 5206 as soon as the event date is finalized. Submit requests for event materials (e.g., flyers, invitations, promotional items) to the PIO/Director of Marketing and Communications as early as possible, but no later than four (4) weeks prior to the event.
President’s Attendance
To request the President’s attendance and remarks at an event, event coordinators must complete the Â鶹ӰÊÓ Event Form and include proposed invitation and event literature text, a guest list, and any other helpful information as soon as possible once the event is scheduled. The Office of the President prefers at least one (1) month’s notice; requests submitted with less than two (2) weeks’ notice may be considered only if the event is of great significance and circumstances prohibited earlier notice. For more information, visit the Event Attendance Requests web page.
Funding for Events
Funding for College-sponsored events will come from the host area's department and division funds or from other college sources, such as student recognition or student activity funds as appropriate. Funding must be approved by the department and division head responsible for the funding source. It is important to note that state funds may not be used for food and drink items; these items may be purchased from an appropriate institutional funds source, but funding is very limited. College purchasing and procurement guidelines must be adhered to; additional information is available from the Business Office.
Retirement Receptions
The College’s monthly retirement receptions are an opportunity to celebrate and express gratitude to retiring employees who choose to participate. When an employee’s retirement letter is received in the President’s Office, the President’s executive assistant will contact the appropriate department/division to confirm receipt of the letter. The department/division contact should determine if the retiring employee would like to participate in the reception. If so, he/she should work with the departments/divisions of all employees retiring that month to plan a joint reception. Requisitions for food and supplies should total no more than $250 for the first retiree and $50 for each additional retiree. Consult the President’s executive assistant for approval and purchasing options.
Student Club/Organization Activities
For detailed information and guidelines for events sponsored by student clubs and/or organizations, please consult the Student Activities Procedure Manual.
Personal Employee Events
Â鶹ӰÊÓ encourages a welcoming and collegial environment among employees. From time to time, employees may wish to host informal personal events for other employees on campus. However, personal events such as bridal and baby showers and birthday parties are not funded by the College and are not considered College-sponsored events. College resources (physical and electronic) are reserved solely for college work activities or college-sponsored events. Personal employee events that are held on campus or during regular work hours should be approved by the sponsor’s supervisor. The College reserves the right to deny use of space for any employee personal event that is inconsistent with the College’s policies or procedures and local, state, or federal law. Personal employee events should be scheduled at times when attendees can use non-work time (e.g., lunch hour) to participate unless otherwise approved by their supervisor. Time spent attending personal events is not compensable work time.
External Requests for Use of College Facilities
This procedure does not apply to an external organization’s request for the use of College facilities. Consult the College’s Rental and Public Use of College Facilities policy for more information.
College-sponsored event – An event or activity is one that is promoted, staffed, and funded by a department, office, or officially recognized student club or organization and is designed and intended for students, employees, or the community. College-sponsored events do not include activities that are sponsored by an individual employee (e.g., a guest for a class lecture or personal employee events), nor do they include activities that are promoted, staffed, or funded by an external organization or entity.
Officially recognized student club or organization – A student organization that has been chartered by the Student Government Association in accordance with the College’s Clubs, Organizations, and Activities procedure.