A group of business people look at a laptop.


Candace Rashada
Wynn (Building 10), room 109B
919-536-7200, ext. 4001

Essential Skills Training for Job Seekers

Short Term

Workforce Development (HRD) courses provide Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) assessment, employment skills training, and career development and enhancement. The courses are offered in short sessions to equip students with the knowledge, values, and practical skills essential to applying for, keeping, and advancing in their jobs.

Fees for HRD courses are waived for those who meet one of these criteria:

  • Are unemployed;

  • Have received notification of pending layoff;

  • Are working and are eligible for ;

  • Are working and earning wages at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the .

To register for HRD courses, complete the Registration/HRD Fee Waiver Verification Form.

Students may also apply for the Continuing Education Equity by Design Tuition Plus Grant (CEED+). The grant covers the tuition cost, and up to $250 for other costs such as textbooks, sponsorship needs, or technology. 

View information about:

Note: The Resumes that Work course has open labs and may be attended as needed throughout the course dates.

HRD-3003C P.I.V.O.T

The P.I.V.O.T (Preparing Individuals for Varied Occupations and Transitions) course provides employability skills training for unemployed and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is designed to assess the interests, attitudes, aptitudes, and readiness as it relates to career, employment, and/or educational goals. The content of the instructional materials will focus on the following topics: personal development, career exploration, goal setting and the development of a written plan of action. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Dates Location Building Room Time Format
2/19 - 2/19
2/26 - 3/19
Main Campus
W 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
W 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
3/26 - 4/23
Main Campus
W 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
4/30 - 5/14
Main Campus
W 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

HRD-3001W Achieving Platinum Placement

Prove to employers that you possess the critical workplace skills in reading, applied math, and locating information. Upgrade skill levels to take the WorkKeys exam. This class is open-entry/open-exit, so you can start and attend anytime. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-4100A Working Smart

Working Smart is a soft-skills program developed by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Workforce Developmental Partners (CMWDP). It is designed to provide job-seekers the work and life skills that enhance employee productivity. Employers are looking for candidates who have the "soft-skills" that lead to success in the following ways: communication, problem solving skills, time management, accountability, and more. Requires Working Smart certified instructors and utilization of the Working Smart curriculum. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3005G Technology Awareness for the Workplace

Develop and enhance technology skills for the workplace. Learn how to use the computer to locate job openings, create a resume and cover letters, complete online applications on the internet, use social media for effective networking, and build an electronic employment portfolio. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3002E NC Works Training for Careers Lab

This lab is based on meeting the "just in time" needs of the community and partners to provide a rotating schedule of employability skills topics across the two counties. Labs consist of one hour of instruction, videos, presentations, or guest speakers on a particular topic, then two hours of applying that topic to the job search. The last two hours may include one-on-one assistance, role playing, or group activities. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Dates Location Building Room Time Format
2/24 - 5/12
2/24 - 5/12
Orange County
M 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
M 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
2/26 - 4/30
2/26 - 5/7
5/7 - 5/7
Main Campus
W 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
W 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
W 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

HRD-3004W The Going Places Network

In partnership with Dress for Success, this 10-week workshop series is offered to women in search of employment. Students will develop a personal brand, customize resumes, build a professional network and get job leads from local companies. Career suiting is available to women who register for this course. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-4000A Human Service Exploration: DSS

This course covers skills and strategies designed to provide employability skills training and career exploration for the role of Income Maintenance Caseworker within Division of Social Service agencies, as well as other organizations and agencies that require familiarity with the state income based programs. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Dates Location Building Room Time Format
3/18 - 5/8
3/18 - 5/8
T 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
TH 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

HRD-3002F Resumes That Work!

Need to create a resume or cover letter, search for jobs, or apply for employment online? Need to practice and/or refresh your skills before taking WorkKeys assessments to earn your Career Readiness Certification? This instructor led lab provides resume development and enhancement tips, cover letter and online job search assistance. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HSE-3220A Income Maintenance Caseworker - NCFAST

This course is designed to cover a variety of skills associated with the Income Maintenance Caseworker role to determine service eligibility. Specific focus will include proficiency in the utilization of the NCFAST application. Other topics include skills in communication, interviewing time management, data gathering/compiling and data analysis. Prerequisite: Completion of the course "Human Service Exploration" at Â鶹ӰÊÓ or another college is necessary to take this course. Email rashadac@durhamtech.edu for information on how to demonstrate completion of the prerequisite and how to register.
Dates Location Building Room Time Format
3/3 - 4/28
3/3 - 4/28
M 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
W 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

HRD-3001J Job Seeking Skills Wkshop

Need new and creative strategies for employment networking? Attend any one of these workshops to become familiar with different strategic plans of action to target your ideal job. Along with networking, learn proper interviewing techniques. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3006E Networking and Interviewing Skills

This course provides employability skills training for unemployed adults. The curriculum is designed to help the individual to deal with the challenges of job interviewing and effective networking, responses to interview questions, and projecting a positive professional image that makes a good first impression. Content includes discussion on the different categories of interview questions, mock interviews, answering difficult questions, and developing a contact list to assist in the job search. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3003F Workforce Ready Reentry

This course provides specific work-readiness activities for students who are "justice involved." Individuals with a criminal record, ranging from being charged to being recently released from incarceration, can experience barriers to obtaining some licenses, certifications, and, ultimately, employment. This course helps students navigate education and skills training and provides an approach to interviewing and resume preparation customized to their needs. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3005F Job Search Plus: LinkedIn and Beyond

Are you LinkedIn? Do you tweet? Do you consider Facebook to be a verb? If these terms are foreign to you, come learn the newest ways to use social media for networking and seeking employment. Since 80 percent of today's jobs are found on the "hidden" job market, find out how to establish an online presence to gain access to opportunities. 6 hours. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3001D Customer Service Skills

What is good customer service? How can it go from good to great? What are the pitfalls that people encounter when trying to deliver customer service? What is the best way to handle difficult customers? How can your appearance and attitude make or break a customer's experience? Learn the basics of good customer service and how it impacts an operation's bottom line. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3001M Job Search Strategies for Mature Prof

Mature workers may face challenges in their job searches. Job seekers "of a certain age" may face negative stereotypes, but savvy, informed employers seek candidates who offer the best skills, regardless of age. Prepare yourself to be the best candidate by adding social networking to your search. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3001V Communicating With Purpose

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completing requirements for this course, the student will be able to: 1. Understand the differences between informal communication and corporate communication expectations; 2. Demonstrate how to have difficult conversations, ask for what they want/need, and be able to speak up for themselves; 3. Understand the steps and process to getting a new position and how communication is used every step of the way; 4. Each student to create their own goal for the course. OUTLINE OF INSTRUCTION: I. Intro to Corporate Communication A. How you introduce yourself to strangers: Elevator Pitch B. Writing Communication in Corporate C. Speaking Communication in Corporate D. How to have difficult conversations E. Using new technology to create better communication II. Know yourself Better A. Predictive Index Tool to learn everyone's Communications Styles B. Active Listening C. Public Speaking D. How to ask for what you want
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

HRD-3001C Finding the Job You Want

Learn new strategies for finding and keeping a job. Discover what interviewers are really looking for, how to research a company and answer behavioral based interview questions. The course fee is waived for those who meet eligibility requirements. See durhamtech.edu/workforce-development for more information.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.