We found 1070 results matching your search criteria.
Full Name Title Email Phone Office
Lynn Henson Instructor, M S P
C T R and Med Prod Safety Prog
Suzanna Hernandez Instr, Translation/Interpret
hernandezs@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8139 White (Building 1)
Room 135B
Francisco Hernandez Ponce Sr Maint Tech/Electrician
hernandezponcef@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x6204 Facilities (Building 7)
Room 109
Rodger Herrell Instructor
Anesthesia Technology Program
Niko Herzog Instructor, Geography (P/T)
Shoier Hesham heshams@durhamtech.edu
Courtney Higgins Coordinator, Counseling and Ac
Counseling Accessibility & Rec
higginsc2908@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1105 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 209G
Lillie Hill Director / Instructor
Nurse Aide Program
hilll@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4302 Building 8
Room 117
ODell Hill Network Administrator
Technology Infrastructure
hillo@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x6113 White (Building 1)
Room 164G
Ulric Hill Director, Instructor for Cae
Center for Academic Excellence
hillu@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x2401 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 308I
Jennifer Hinchey BLET Instructor (P/T)
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Eric Hines CE Instructor, CJC
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Valarie Hines College Liaison
Coll Recruit & High Schl Partn
hinesv@durhamtech.edu Building 6
Room 100
Ashley Hodges Instructor, Mathematics
Associate in Engineering
hodgesa@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8038 Collins (Building 2)
Room 113
Melanie Hoelter Instr, Non-Credit (P/T)
Nurse Aide Program
Olga Hogrefe Instructor, Chemistry
hogrefeo@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8128 Collins (Building 2)
Room 147
James Holaday Instructor, History (P/T)
Humanities and Fine Arts
Bradley Holliday BLET Instructor (P/T)
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Lonnie Holloway Electrical Instructor (P/T)
Electrical Systems Techn Prog
Horace Holloway Instructor, (P/T)
Software & Web Dev Programs
hollowayh@durhamtech.edu Newton (Building 4)
Joseph Holmes CE Instructor, CJC
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Jill Holmquist Instructor (P/T)
English As a Second Language
Rhiannah Holt Administrative Assistant
Orange County Services
holtr@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4204 Orange County Campus
Room 100
Grace Holtkamp holtkampg@durhamtech.edu
Sarah Holton Adjunct Instructor, ESL
English As a Second Language
Carla Hooker Instructor (P/T)
Health and Wellness
David Hopp Tutor, Science (P/T)
Center for Academic Excellence
Lisa Hoppe
Fiorella Horna Instructor (non-Credit)
Nursing Assistant
Rex Horton End User Systems Administrator
Technology Infrastructure
hortonr@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x6106 White (Building 1)
Room 164F
Warren Hoskins hoskinsw@durhamtech.edu
Jack Howard howardj@durhamtech.edu
Kelly Howes Instructor (P/T)
English As a Second Language
Brian Huber huberb@durhamtech.edu
Susan Hudson hudsons@durhamtech.edu
George Hugh hughg@durhamtech.edu
Gregory Hughes CE Instructor, CJC
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Shannon Hughes Administrative Assistant
Science, Engineering & Math
hughess@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8020 Collins (Building 2)
Room 164
Julie Humphrey Director
humphreyj@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1602 ERC (Building 5)
Room 209A
Judy Hunter Administrative Assistant
College and Career Readiness
hunterj@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x2423 White (Building 1)
Room 103A
Telicia Hunter Life Sciences Program Director
Biopharma/Biowork Program
huntert@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4408 Collins (Building 2)
Room 125
Julissa Hurtado Instructor (P/T)
English for Academic Purp/Ce
Faye Hyman Instructor (P/T)
Adult Basic Education Program
Cornell Jacobs jacobsc@durhamtech.edu
Suzi Jaikaran Payroll Specialist, Sys BA
Finance and Admin. Svcs.
jaikarans@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1009 White (Building 1)
Room 159R
Jennifer James jamesj2@durhamtech.edu
Aleshia James Director / Instructor
Medical Assisting Program
jamesa@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8119 Tech (Building 9)
Room 236B
Cathy James-Springer Dir. Organizational Dev
Ofc. of Equity & Inclusion
jamesspringerc4803@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x6014 Phillips (Building 3)
Room 103B
Chase Jarvis Instructor I I (P/T)
Emergency Med Science Prog
Tom Jaynes Strategic Project Manager
Office of the President
jaynest@durhamtech.edu ERC (Building 5)