MAT-110 Mathematical Measurement and Literacy
This course provides an activity-based approach that develops measurement skills and mathematical literacy using technology to solve problems for non-math intensive programs. Topics include unit conversions and estimation within a variety of measurement systems; ratio and proportion; basic geometric concepts; financial literacy; and statistics including measures of central tendency, dispersion, and charting of data. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the use of mathematics and technology to solve practical problems, and to analyze and communicate results.
The following courses must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course:
Take MAT-010
The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take One Set: Set 1: DMA-010, DMA-020, and DMA-030, Set 2: DMA-025, Set 3: MAT-003, Set 4: BSP-4003
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer